オブジェクトに適したオブジェクトのUIAccessibilityCustomRotor配列をthis取得します。 SetAccessibilityCustomRotors(NSObject, UIAccessibilityCustomRotor[]) オブジェクトに適したオブジェクトのUIAccessibilityCustomRotor配列をthis設定します。 適用対象 製品バージョン Xamarin iOS SDK12...
适用于 Azure SDK for Java Preview在GitHub 上与我们协作 可以在 GitHub 上找到此内容的源,还可以在其中创建和查看问题和拉取请求。 有关详细信息,请参阅参与者指南。 Azure SDK for Java 反馈 Azure SDK for Java 是一个开放源代码项目。 选择一个链接以提供反馈: 提出文档问题 提供产品反馈 ...
使用AEM Headless SDK(適用於瀏覽器式JavaScript、伺服器式JavaScript和Java™)時,AEM主機可以使用AEM服務初始化AEM Headless使用者端物件以與其連線。 開發自訂AEM Headless使用者端時,請確定AEM服務的主機可以根據組建引數引數化。 範例 以下範例說明AEM GraphQL API要求如何讓AEM主機...
Using a Merkle audit proof, you can verify a revision by checking only a small subset of your ledger's revision history. You do this by traversing the tree from a given leaf node (revision) to its root (digest). Along this traversal path, you recursively hash sibling pairs of nodes to...
Gradle build failed to resolve aar library dependency (trnql sdk) When I attempt to build my project using gradle, I get the following error: Failed to resolve: com.trnql:lib-release1.0.0 It seems it cannot find the android archive file (aar) that is in the libs folder. The ...
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□ No/ 否□ 通过ONVIF或者SDK被动注册时,仅需要配置IP地址即可。 设备安装在潮湿环境时,确认网线以及尾线已经做好绝缘防水处理,滴水弯位置正确。 GB/T 28181 The camera is grounded, and if it is powered by PoE, the PoE connection is grounded too. ...
I initialized the Microsoft Graph .NET SDK using the : // Define credentials and access scopes for Microsoft Graph APIvartokenCred=newClientSecretCredential(config.AzureTenantId!,config.AzureClientId!,config.AzureClientSecret!);vargraphClient=newGraphServiceClient(tokenCred);...
{"name":"BN Digital","schemaPath":"./packages/cms/exports/graphql/schema.graphql","includes": ["packages/*/exports/graphql/*/*.graphql","packages/*/api/*/config/graphql.schema.js","packages/*/extensions/*/config/graphql.schema.js","packages/*/src/graphql/*/*.graphql"],"extension...