据我们所知,QIWI银行没有破产的迹象。因此,清算程序结束后,剩余资本应转移给其所有者JSC QIWI。截至2023年12月31日,齐威银行的资本为250亿卢布。目前尚不确定情况将如何发展,清算需要多长时间,以及清算后JSC QIWI是否有任何资金可供JSC QIWI使用。 对QIWI plc 的影响 我们注意到,QIWI Bank是处理俄罗斯国内支付的运...
Sale of 40% of Tochka to Otkritie Bank On July 21, 2021, Qiwi Group announced the sale of 40% ofTochkaJSC toOtkritieBank. Qiwi's share was estimated at 4.95 billionrubles(based on the company's value of 11 billion rubles at the time the transaction was announced). At the same time,...
Kazakhstan SB HSBC Bank Kazakhstan JSC (as delegate of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) Kenya Barclays Bank of Kenya Limited Republic of Korea Deutsche Bank AG The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Kuwait HSBC Bank Middle East Limited (as delegate of The Hongkon...