Synthesis and transpilation is the ability of a quantum SDK to take a circuit as input and translate it into a form capable of running on quantum hardware—both abstract quantum hardware with arbitrary qubit layouts and real quantum hardware, such as the IBM QuantumTM Heron chip. Success on ...
Full_Chip_Design_01.ipynb Metal_South_Korea_Hackathon_Tutorial.ipynb hfss_eig_f_convergence.csv full-design-flow-examples Example-full-chip-design.ipynb Example-used-in-the-launch-video.ipynb Exercise-for-the-South-Korea-Hackathon'20.ipynb index.rst faq.rst tut 1-Overv...
Fix link, style example, add PyPi badge on README Pip support: requires-dev.txt Show full toc on sidebar via sphinxcontrib-fulltoc requires.txt Pip support (Qiskit#35) Use qiskit.__version__ on and sphinx ...
However, the highly detailed system characterization required to understand the underlying error sources is an arduous process and impractical with increasing chip size. Open-loop optimal control techniques allow for the improvement of gates but are limited by the models they are based on. To rectify...
Fix link, style example, add PyPi badge on README Pip support: requires-dev.txt Show full toc on sidebar via sphinxcontrib-fulltoc requires.txt Pip support (Qiskit#35) Use qiskit.__version__ on and sphinx ...