QImage::Format_ARGB4444_Premultiplied 15 The image is stored using a premultiplied 16-bit ARGB format (4-4-4-4). Note: Drawing into a QImage with QImage::Format_Indexed8 is not supported. Note: Do not render into ARGB32 images using QPainter. Using QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied is...
If the loading of the image failed, this object is a null image. The QImageIO documentation lists the supported image formats and explains how to add extra formats.See also load(), isNull() and QImageIO. QImage::QImage ( constchar*constxpm[] )Constructs...
'Insert image',".","Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg *.bmp *.gif)")iffilename:# Create image objectimage = QtGui.QImage(filename)# Error if unloadableifimage.isNull():
supportedImageFormats() 详细描述: 该类支持在存储图片之前,设置格式化特别选项,例如发差系数水平,压缩水平,质量。如果你不需要这些选项,你能使用QImage::save()或者QPixmap::save()代替。 为了存储一个图片,你开始通过构造一个QImageWriter对象。传递一个文件名或者一个设备指针,和图片格式给QImageWriter的构造器。你...
QImage::QImage ( const char * const[] xpm )Constructs an image from the given xpm image.Make sure that the image is a valid XPM image. Errors are silently ignored.Note that it's possible to squeeze the XPM variable a little bit by using an unusual declaration:...