QString fileName=ui->FWFileName->text();if(!fileName.isEmpty()) { g.flashDir( QFileInfo(fileName).dir().absolutePath() );if(!ui->useFwImageCB->isChecked()) { QImage image = ui->imageLabel->pixmap()->toImage().scaled(ui->imageLabel->width(), ui->imageLabel->height());if...
QImage::Format_ARGB4444_Premultiplied 15 The image is stored using a premultiplied 16-bit ARGB format (4-4-4-4). Note: Drawing into a QImage with QImage::Format_Indexed8 is not supported. Note: Do not render into ARGB32 images using QPainter. Using QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied is...
Note that if borderless is not supported on your paper/media, no software will be able to overcome these printer/driver limitations. 1. Navigate to a folder that contains images using the folder browser directly above the thumbnail grid on the main window. If the folder browsing panel above ...
jerr.error_exit = my_error_exit;if(!setjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer)) {// WARNING:// this if loop is inside a setjmp/longjmp branch// do not create C++ temporaries here because the destructor may never be called// if you allocate memory, make sure that you can free it (row_pointer[0])j...
RunWait, %comspec% %isDebug% powershell set-executionpolicy remotesigned&&powershell-sta-f dump-clipboard-png.ps1 %pathAndName%&&qshell account %ACCESS_KEY% %SECRET_KEY%&&qshell fput %BUCKET_NAME% %filename% %pathAndName% %UP_HOST%&&del%pathAndName% ...
Normally when printing to a file, you are preparing a job for a printer that is not available/connected so the printer cannot be queried for capabilities to allow for accurate disabling of borderless overspray/expansion. As a result, the setting (allow/disable) for the overspray/size expansion...
Hello, I'm not sure where to ask for help so I'll open an issue here. I used pyvips and pyside2 to open a very big picture (11GB tiled Tiff), crop it and return a smaller QImage. In Python it works great and is easy to write, so I now ha...
The endianness is given in bitOrder. QImage::QImage ( uchar*yourdata, intw, inth, intdepth, intbpl, QRgb*colortable, intnumColors, EndianbitOrder )Constructs an image that uses an existing memory buffer. The buffer must remain valid for the life of the QImage. The image does not delete...
This is an overloaded function.Note that QImage uses implicit data sharing, but this function does not perform a deep copy of the shared pixel data, because the returned data is const.int QImage::bytesPerLine () constReturns the number of bytes per image scanline....
Note that if borderless is not supported on your paper/media, no software will be able to overcome these printer/driver limitations. 1. Navigate to a folder that contains images using the folder browser directly above the thumbnail grid on the main window. If the folder browsing panel above ...