从植物和真菌中纯化总RNA· 30分钟即可获得高品质的总RNA· 无需酚/氯仿抽提· 无需CsCl梯度离心,无需LiCl或乙醇沉淀· 出色的RNA回收率· 即用型RNA适合多种下游应用RNeasy Plant Mini Kit含QIAshredder离心柱和RNeasy离心柱,前者用于匀质化和过滤高粘度的植物或真菌的裂解物,后者使用硅胶膜技术纯化至多100 μg...
RNA样品存于-20℃或-80℃冰箱。 11、分光光度计测定RNA。开启紫外分光光度计,预热30 min。用DEPC处理水校正零点。用DEPC处理水稀释RNA样品30~50倍,将稀释液转移到比色杯中。读取230、260、280、310 nm的OD值。计算出样品浓度和OD比值。OD260/ OD280比值应为1.7~2.1,低于1.7,说明有蛋白质或酚污染;OD260/ ...
用QIAGEN RNeasy Plant Mini试剂盒提取总RNA(胍盐法)操作步骤 1、称取新鲜叶组织样品100 mg,液氮速冻。 2、在预冷的研钵中研磨成细粉,转移到2 ml离心管中。注意研磨不彻底则会造成严重产量降低。 3、待液氮挥发(但不能解冻)后,加入450 ml提取缓冲液RLT,涡旋混匀,并在56℃温育1~3 min。注意:最好在RLT临...
The RNeasy Plant Mini Kit is intended for molecular biology applications. This product is not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease. Features High-quality total RNA in 30 minutes No phenol/chloroform extraction No CsCl gradients, no LiCl or ethano...
· 即用型RNA适合多种下游应用 RNeasy Plant Mini Kit含QIAshredder离心柱和RNeasy离心柱,前者用于匀质化和过滤高粘度的植物或真菌的裂解物,后者使用硅胶膜技术纯化至多100 μg高品质RNA。纯化过程可在QIAcube全自动核酸纯化仪上自动化进行。该试剂盒也可配合TissueRuptor或TissueLyser体系使用,高效破碎并匀质化植物样...
This protocol is designed for isolation of up to 200 μg RNA from 150 mg plant tissue or up to 1 mg RNA from 600 mg plant tissue and is for use with QIAGEN-tip 100 or QIAGEN-tip 500, respectively. Isolation of endotoxin-free plasmid DNA using the QIAGEN® Plasmid Midi Kit - (EN...
75折促销75折促销Qiagen74904|植物总RNA小提试剂盒 (50)|RNeasy Plant Mini Kit(50)价格:¥3645/盒产品详情:本产品目前正在促销中,产品价格为折后价格,折扣为75折,欢迎来点咨询。1.公司简介:上海创赛科学仪器有限公司(ShanghaiCanspe... 货号:74904 ...
QIAGEN delivers Sample to Insights solutions that enable customers to unlock insights from the building blocks of life - DNA, RNA and proteins.
Plant DNA Isolation Kit Imprint RNA Immunoprecipitation (RIP) Kit (RIP 6;6;6; Total Exosome RNA and Protein Isolation Kit - Life :总RNA和蛋白质分离试剂盒外的生活 RNA processing and RNA stability in plant mitochondria Protocol for Nextera™ DNA Sample Prep Kit (Illumina-compatible) OMEGA...
2.5 ml (100 mg/ml; 7000 units/ml, solution) Unit definition: That amount of enzyme causing the hydrolysis of RNA at a rate such that k (velocity constant) equals unity (Kunitz units) at 25°C and pH 5.0. €298.00 Add to Cart CAT NO./ID 67563 MagAttra...