商品名称:QHYCCDQHYCCD电子极轴镜 PoleMaster 天文摄影对极轴 天文望远镜 送赤道仪转接环 备注型号 商品编号:10099420981900 店铺:夺目运动户外专营店 货号:QHYp配件 是否变倍:无变倍 结构:单目 测距功能:无测距功能 镜身材质:金属 适用人群:成人 防水功能:不防水 ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现QHYCCD电子极轴镜 PoleMaster 天文摄影对极轴 送赤道仪转接环的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于QHYCCD电子极轴镜 PoleMaster 天文摄影对极轴 送赤道仪转接环的信息,请来淘宝
QHYCCD designs and manufactures high-quality astronomy devices, including cooled CMOS and CCD cameras, planetary and guiding cameras, PoleMaster, focusers, etc. QHYCCD also provides scientific cameras for astronomical research. Our goal is to provide the best products and services for astronomers world...
PoleMaster is an easy, convenient and fast way to achieve excellent polar alignment. It's been recognized by a lot of astronomy enthusiasts.
Please Log In to view the details for this classified ad. Don't have an Astromart account? Click here to create one Polemaster and adapter for CGEM-like mounts (fits Celestron CGEM, Skymaster Pro, Altas EQ-G, Atlas Pro, NEQ-6, EXOS2GT, and the EQ6/AZEQ6)...
1. Speed and convenience: With PoleMaster you do not need to move the telescope to a specific place just to unblock the polar scope. You do not need to kneel or contort your body to look through the polar scope. You do not need to fully dark adapt just to see the pole star. You ...
Page 2 of 2 - QHYCCD Polemaster software freezing up - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): Hello Dave, Thanks for the update. Im running a Dell laptop 2 in 1 and I cant seem to get to the level of advanced settings that you are getting to. Any
Download:free Website:Thingiverse Download:free Website:Thingiverse add to list order this print Polemaster Universal Adapter (finder dovetail) Download:free Website:Cults share:emailfacebooktwittervklinkedinxingreddit
Accessory: QHYCCD OAG-M · QHYCCD PoleMasterDates:June 15, 2018 , June 27, 2019 , July 5, 2019Frames:Baader UV/IR-Cut 2": 110x180" -15C bin 1x1Integration: 5.5 hoursResolution: 2895x2395Locations: Negev Desert, Mitzpe Ramon, IsraelData source: Traveller 【Rho Ophiuchi Mosaic】...