得到的结果如图所示,但是线是整体的。需要【用线分割】功能,split lines with lines 分割前的线,要素总数1 分割后的线,要素总数44 4、去除杂线 新建一个字段cd计算出长度,按长度排序进行选择杂线,再剔除 或者是人手工筛选删除 5、再次合并线 去除杂线之后骨干线也是分段的,可以看出【红】和【黄】两种颜色,说...
“Clip trajectories by extent”still exists but, additionally, we can now also“Clip trajectories by polygon layer” There are two new event extraction algorithms to“Extract OD points”and“Extract OD points”, as well as the related“Split trajectories at stops”. Additionally, we can also“Sp...
Allow the line symbol layers to be used for outline of polygon (fill) symbols. Option to put marker on the central point of a line. Option to put marker only on first/last vertex of a line. Added "centroid fill" symbol layer which draws a marker on polygon's centroid. Allow th...
Please note that the Papua New Guinea data provided here is license under Open Data Commons Open Database License(ODbL). Please review the same before using it. If you want data under different license you can also look over to the post :Download Free Shapefile Maps – Country Boundary Poly...
Template选择Tool button with dialog,带工具按钮的对话框。 填写Text for the menu item。 Menu选择Plugins,这个插件的会在工具栏——Plugins目录下。 点击next。 国际化、帮助、单元测试、帮助脚本等都默认勾选,点击next。 勾选Flag the plugin as experimental,标识为测试插件,别的保持默认就行,点击next。
"polygon", "multipoint","multilinestring","multipolygon"), optionally followed by url parameters a...
def testRenderWithTransform(self): layer = QgsAnnotationLayer( 'test', QgsAnnotationLayer.LayerOptions( QgsProject.instance().transformContext())) self.assertTrue(layer.isValid()) item = QgsAnnotationPolygonItem( QgsPolygon( QgsLineString([ QgsPoint(11.5, 13), QgsPoint(12,...
drag from the top or side ruler to add new guide line. - Ever needed to generate a map series? Of course you have. The composer now includes built in map series generation using the atlas feature. Coverage layers can be points, lines, polygons, and the current feature ...
def _setRubberBandMarker(self, geom): m = QgsRubberBand(self.qgisIface.mapCanvas(), False) # not polygon if QgsWkbTypes.geometryType(geom.wkbType()) == QgsWkbTypes.LineGeometry: linegeom = geom elif QgsWkbTypes.geometryType(geom.wkbType()) == QgsWkbTypes.PolygonG...
Annotations: Move selected annotation with cursor keys Annotations: Create line/ polygon annotation item tools Annotations: New point text tool Annotations: Annotations toolbar Map Tools: Add a "measure bearing" map tool User Interface: Toggle editing on multiple selected layers User Interface: Identify...