The “Extract segments” algorithm has one more options. In addition to extracting the segments between public transport stops, it can also enrich the segments with the scheduled vehicle speeds: Here you can see the scheduled speeds: To show the stops, we can put marker line markers on the s...
( crs_utm, crs_line, transform_context) # split line into segments for segment_id in range(len(vertices_t) - 1): # === (1) DENSIFY LINE VERTICES === # create new Polyline geometry for line segment segment_geom = QgsGeometry.fromPolylineXY( [vertices_t[segment_i...
Adjust the Style and Segments parameters for the scale bar. Our map needs a title and other information labels. Go to Add Item ‣ Add Label. Enter a map title in the Main Properties section. Click the Font button under Appearance section to adjust the font size and style. Add other ...
But if you want to use QGIS Atlas along a line, all you have to do is split it into segments. And there is a tool to do that in GRASS. Thev.split.lengthfunction splits the line into equal segments defined by the user. This means that QGIS Atlas will generate maps for each line ...
Processing: Geodesic line split at antimeridian algorithm Processing: Geodesic mode for "Join by Lines (Hub lines)" algorithm Processing: Raster Surface Volume algorithm Processing: Resurrected model to Python script functionality Application and Project Options: Delete settings from the Advanced tab in ...
[NODATA_VALUE] * width * height # get tiles over_smpl = 1 segments_x = 1 if width == 1 else width - 1 res = extent.width() / segments_x / over_smpl ds = self.getDataset(merc_rect.xMinimum(), merc_rect.yMinimum(), merc_rect.xMaximum(), merc_rect.yMaximum(), res) ...
Processing: Split Lines by Maximum Length algorithm Processing: New parameter type for authentication config Processing: resampling and format options in the gdaladdo algorithm Processing: Raster zonal stats algorithm Processing: Extract Z values and Extract M values algorithms Processing: Geodesic line spl...
First, I split the building polygons into segments. Second, I find the centroid for each segment (in order to find a point that is within the boundary of the building polygon but not in a corner, which would correspond to the start or to the end of segments). ...
which v.clean option is required to eliminate overlapping segments of lines? 2 QGIS Polygon edge style based on adjoining feature? 1 Creating subset of borders in QGIS? Related 3 Splitting and ordering lines by polygon intersection? 1 QGIS split line into segments on polygon 5 Polygon points ...
def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback): t_file = self.parameterAsVectorLayer( parameters, self.FILE_TABLE, context ) t_troncon = self.parameterAsVectorLayer( parameters, self.SEGMENTS_TABLE, context ) t_obs = self.parameterAsVectorLayer( parameters, self...