"Invalid Data Source: C:/GIS Projects/Services.shp is not a valid or recognized data source" Having become accustomed to accomplishing this task effortlessly in ArcGIS and MapInfo, I am perplexed as to why I am unable to achieve the same outcome in QGIS. Despite having the necessary permissio...
We only need two more steps to get faster and interactive map plots (plus background maps!): First, we need to reproject the lat/lon values. (There’s a warning here, most likely since some of the input lat/lon values are invalid.) Then, we replace plot() with hvplot() and voilà...
else: print("Unknown or invalid geometry") # fetch attributes attrs = feature.attributes() # attrs is a list. It contains all the attribute values of this feature print(attrs) # for this test only print the first feature break .. testoutput:: vectors Feature ID: 1 Point: <QgsPointXY:...
CBSA data: cb_2018_us_cbsa_5m.shp Ballpark data: 2019-mlb-ballparks.geojsonhub_layer_name = "2019-mlb-ballparks.geojson" hub_layer = QgsVectorLayer(hub_layer_name) hub_name_field = "Team" spoke_layer_name = "cb_2018_us_cbsa_5m.shp" spoke_layer = QgsVectorLayer(spoke_layer_name...
When working with vector data layers, you may encounter geometry errors. These errors often become part of your data after running geoprocessing, digitizing, editing or data conversion. QGIS3 comes with build-in tools and algorithms to detect and fix invalid geometries. This tutorial will show you...
Digitizing: Edit Invalid Attributes on Copy/Paste to Another Layer Digitizing: Snapping cache parallelization Data Management: DXF Export Improvements Forms and Widgets: Create geometric feature from the relation editor Forms and Widgets: Improve feature selection dialog Analysis Tools: Smooth Export of th...
(filename); //创建图层 QgsVectorLayer* vecLayer = new QgsVectorLayer(filename,ff.baseName(),"ogr"); if(!vecLayer->isValid()) { QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("error"),tr("invalid layer")); return; } QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer(vecLayer); zoomToFirstLayer<QgsVectorLayer*>...
Locate the administrative boundaries shapefilepolymap15m_area.shpand drag-and-drop it to the canvas. The HydroSHEDS data layers have some features with invalid geometries Let’s fix them proceeding further. Open the Processing Toolbox fromProcessing ‣ Toolbox. Search and locate theVector geometry...
message ='Run button was not enabled'self.assertTrue(button.isEnabled(), message)# Second part of scenario - run disabled when adding invalid layer# and select it - run should be disabledpath = os.path.join(TESTDATA,'issue71.tif') ...
Data Providers: SQL Server - Invalid geometry handling QGIS Server: Server Cache can be manage by plugins QGIS Server: WMTS 1.0.0 support QGIS Server: Add ability to define min. scale for WMTS QGIS Server: Support QGIS Server logs to stderr Plugins: Support for encrypted zips in the Plugin...