有些朋友在使用QGIS打开ESRI的*.mdb数据时,会报错:“Invalid Data Source : PGeo:D:\MyData\arcgis tutorial data\ArcTutor\DatabaseServers\community.mdb is not a valid or recognized data source.” 该问题的解决步骤如下: 第一步:下载和安装64位Access数据库引擎 打开网址:https://www.microsoft.com/zh-...
无效的数据源 / Invalid dataSource 遇到这个问题可以先使用添加栅格图层或者添加网孔图层添加数据试一下。如果还是不行,根据小编查询到的结果,QGIS使用的是GDAL来支持的,先在命令行中使用gdalinfo来查看数据源是否有效。 gdalinfo xxxx/xxxxx/xxxx.nc 小编通过这个命令查看后,发现报错: "the format is not a valid...
Tutorial: Making Heatmaps using QGIS and GRASS , to build a heat map with my own data. I taken the first step and imported a csv data table into the layer bar, but when I attempt to save it as a shapefile, QGIS tells me that...
I am trying to import a DWG file from Autodesk. With a new project holding no data, either importing via Project, Import or when I drag the file onto the program gives an error message; "Invalid Data Source: cex-02 CAD 2000.dwg is not a valid or recognized data source." The file ...
QMessageBox::critical(this,"Invalid Data Source",msg); delete layer; } } //步骤3:将图层集合添加到画布中 m_mapCanvas->setLayerSet(m_mapCanvasLayerSet);//设置图层集合 m_mapCanvas->setVisible(true);//设置是否可见 m_mapCanvas->freeze(false);//解冻图层 ...
QMessageBox::critical(this,"Invalid Data Source",msg);deletelayer; } }//步骤3:将图层集合添加到画布中m_mapCanvas->setLayerSet(m_mapCanvasLayerSet);//设置图层集合m_mapCanvas->setVisible(true);//设置是否可见m_mapCanvas->freeze(false);//解冻图层m_mapCanvas->refresh();//刷新//在状态条设置...
Choose an .mdb file Click Add See error on screen: Invalid Data Source: /Users/drf/Downloads/YC_AllShores_1937_2021.mdb is not a valid or recognized data source. Versions <style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style> ...
vecLayer->isValid()) { QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("error"),tr("invalid layer"))...
;if(authok&&layer&&layer->isValid()){QStringListsublayers=layer->dataProvider()->subLayers();QgsDebugMsg(QStringLiteral("got valid layer with %1 sublayers").arg(sublayers.count()));// If the newly created layer has more than 1 layer of data available, we show the// sublayers ...
KML attribute export as ExtendedData Customizable KML description HTML Fix geometry_export_to_csv non-ASCII character errors (Hollander) Fix attribute join mangling large integers Dialog layer selection boxes use layer order from TOC (Petersen) Invalid rightzipcode assignment in street geocode (Janko) ...