接着选择【Raster tools-Generate XYZ tiles(Directory)】,在切片处理面板中,主要关心以下几个参数,其他可以按照默认进行执行即可: 1、Extent:设置切片的范围【Extent】,可以按照图层范围,也可以自定义绘制; 2、Zoom切片层级:设置输出切片的最大最小层级,最大层级越大,输出的切片体量越大,相应的需要时间也更久; 3...
2024.09.20.qgis.toolbox.rastertools.Generate_XYZ_tiles_Directory.issue.zip Python Console Test Code: processing.run("native:tilesxyzdirectory", {'EXTENT':'1284948.110200000,1285088.395300000,6403964.854300000,6404040.428800000 [EPSG:3857]','ZOOM_MIN':18,'ZOOM_MAX':21,'DPI':96,'BACKGROUND_COLOR':QC...
Algorithm 'Generate XYZ tiles (MBTiles)' finished Steps to reproduce the issue Virgin Install: QGIS version 3.28.2-Firenze QGIS code revisionb47e00bon Windows 10 create new project add raster layer (png, tiff, etc) Menu > Processing > Toolbox >Generate XYZ tiles (MBTiles) ...
安装成功后,在菜单栏可以看到QMetaTiles插件的菜单入口。 三、瓦片下载 这里将利用QMetaTiles插件下载星图地球的标注瓦片,本示例供参考,在实际生产环境下,对地图的使用需要慎之又慎,要经过有资质单位的审核才可以。 1、打开QmeaTiles插件 在Qgis上方的插件菜单中,选择QMetaTiles,点击进入主程序页面,详情如下图所示: ...
setup, you can open up the Toolbox by either selecting the gear icon or by going into the processing tab on the menu bar and selecting the toolbox. Then in the Processing Toolbox, drill down into the Raster Tools section. Within this section, select the Generate XYZ tile (MBTiles) ...
使用投影工具对数据修改后地球就是圆的啦 绘制地球的数据来自于开源地球数据网站:https://www.natural...
Processing: Generate XYZ tiles using multiple threads Processing: New algorithms for exporting and importing to/from map layers Processing: New algorithm "Split features by character" Processing: New algorithm Climb Along Line Processing: Port Create Grid algorithm to C++ General: Show news items on ...
The .mbtiles format that TileMill uses is a SQLite database that will need to be read with a map interface that supports it, such as Leaflet. The QTiles plugin and GDAL2Tiles.py use an XYZ tile scheme with hierarchical directories based on row (X), column (Y), and zoom (Z) ...
Basemap is often the first layer added at the start of a GIS project. Basemaps are often presented through various webservices: TMS, WMS, WMTS, ESRI ArcGIS Services or simply as XYZ tiles. Latest QuickMapServices news: dedicated website, search, API, mor
There seems to be a problem with multithreading / threadpool in the processing script to generate MBTiles (see python output below). When generating bigger maps with higher zoom levels (15-16), the script crashes due to a 'database locked' error. When I limit the max. threads to 1 in...