Qt5 widgets library for technical applications (runtime) Required by: qwt-devel-qt5 rbatch (149-4) Windows batchfiles for use with R Required by: grass setup (1.0.7-16) OSGeo4W Installer/Updater Required by: shell shell (1.0.2-4) OSGeo4W Command Shell Required by: expat, fcgi, gd...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.19041.0\um\x64 这里要注意的是VSDK的版本号...
Feature description I just bought Lenovo Yoga Slim 7x Copilot+ PC with Snapdragon X Elite CPU as my new primary PC, running Windows 11 ARM 26100.1742. It would be great to have native ARM64 build for Windows, similarly to #46299. Right n...
Users reporting bugs here are instructed to copy the version info from the about dialog. On Windows 11 Microsoft have changed how they do things, so this includes "OS version Windows 11 Version 2009", which is nonsense and tells you nothing about the Windows 11 build. I gather it should b...
Windows 11 正式版发布,笔者发现右键菜单内容折叠,没有了一目了然感。 在cmd 执行下行代码,注销/重启,实现将 Windows 11 的右键菜单默认展开的效果 reg.exeadd"HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32"/f /ve ...
3 Windows下配置ODBC数据源 Windows操作系统自带ODBC数据源管理器,无需用户手动安装管理器便可直接进行配置。 3.1下载客户端GaussDB(for openGauss)驱动程序并进行安装 下载地址:GaussDB驱动程序在本地(例如D:/download)下载ZIP文件后进行解压缩,解压缩后文件如下。
QGIS is crashing when I try to package a project for export to QField, using the QFieldSync plugin. Previous projects have succesfully exported without issue. I am running QGIS 3.4.11 Madeira on a Windows 10 laptop. The error report is pasted below. Any idea why this is happening? Crash ...
QGIS windows 编译 android qwt编译 QWT,全称是Qt Widgets for Technical Applications,是一个基于LGPL版权协议的开源项目, 可生成各种统计图。它为具有技术专业背景的程序提供GUI组件和一组实用类,其目标是以基于2D方式的窗体部件来显示数据, 数据源以数值,数组或一组浮点数等方式提供, 输出方式可以是Curves(曲线),...
Personal shell launcher for PyQGISAsk Question Asked 11 years, 8 months ago Modified 11 years, 7 months ago Viewed 547 times 4 I have changed a shell launcher found at http://inasafe.linfiniti.com/html/id/developer-docs/platform_windows.html as to fit my wish: setting the system environ...
QGIS has a few different ways to explore and connect to PostGIS, but one tool you don’t want to miss is DB Manager. It comes with the normal QGIS installation and can be compared to a small pgAdmin equivalent inside QGIS. For most spatial data users,DB Manager makes pgAdmin completel...