importosfromqgis.coreimportQgsVectorLayer# 要导出的图层列表layer_list = [layer1, layer2, layer3]# 替换为要导出的图层对象# 导出文件夹路径output_folder ='path/to/output/'# 替换为实际的输出文件夹路径# 遍历图层列表forlayerinlayer_list:# 确保图层有效ifisinstance(layer, QgsVectorLayer)
What is the bug or the crash? When I go to Project-Import/Export-Import Layers from DWG/DXF. In the source drawing I get .gpkg and for target package I get dxf. It looks like they have change its places. So the tool is useless now and I ...
I'll attach a pdf of the schematic he has done, and a screenshot of what appears in QGIS when I load his shp export, or dxf. i'll also attach the .dxf and .dwg file if someone wanted to have a look at them and see if there was something obviously wrong. List item qgis export...
I tried importing the layer to postgis then exporting it to dxf usingogr2ogr. The attribute "Layer" is exported but the attribute "Text" is still empty. The command I used: ogr2ogr -f "DXF" export.dxf PG:"host=localhost dbname=r user=tmcgis" -sql "SELECT * FROM mylayer" Someone ...
I learned that to convert a DWG file with all its layers from AutoCAD to an ESRI shapefile format in QGIS, one has to first import it as a GeoPackage, and then convert it from a GeoPackage to a shapefile. I already did that. But there's no option to convert the GeoPackages to ESRI...
(if you don't have Winzip, and don't want to buy it, you can install a free trial, or use freeware such as 7Zip) Extract the dxf file to my desktop Open it with AutoCad "audit" the file to fix any errors (1 was found and fixed) "save as" to my desktop in v2013.dwg ...
PyQGISis the Python environment inside QGIS 3. When you export any graphical model as a PyQGIS script, it’s like the equivalent of using acheat code. Alternatively, just steal the Python code from the processing history and run it in the Python console. It’s good to get something start...
Esri ArcInfo Export (Interchange) .E00 Esri ArcInfo Interchange files 不再被支持。这种过时的GIS 文件格式曾经被用来进行数据交换。 它具有拓展名E00随着文件增加而增大(E01, E02…)尽管交换起来很方便,但是您需要先处理数据,然后才能将其添加到ArcGIS。
dxf/dwg files: - libdxfrw (patched and improved by Jürgen) and lives within the QGIS source tree - this is used for the import/export when using the commands in the project menu for several layer at once - ogr ( - this is used when you ...
> dedicated Project ► Import/Export ► Import Layers from DWG/DXF tool? > > Best Stefan > Am 13.07.2023 um 09:10 schrieb Matteo Ghetta via QGIS-Developer: > > Hi all, > > I'm on a Debian testing fresh machine and with both QGIS 3.28 from package ...