We have updated out icon theme to use the 'GIS' theme which introduces an improved level of consistency and professionalism to the QGIS user interface. The new symbol layer overview uses a clear, tree-structured layout which allows for easy and fast access to all symbol layers. QGIS 2.0 ...
If you have multiple layers to load, instead of adding them one by one, you can automate the process. layers = ['path/to/layer1.shp', 'path/to/layer2.shp', 'path/to/layer3.tif'] for layer_path in layers: if layer_path.endswith('.shp'): iface.addVectorLayer(layer_path, "Lay...
defexportVectorLayer(self, orgFilename):#only export to an intermediate shp if the layer is not file-based.#We assume that almost all file formats will be supported by ogr#We also export if there is a selectionifnotos.path.exists(orgFilename): layer =QGisLayers.getObjectFromUri(orgFilenam...
> Is there a way to automatically populate as default value of selected layers > in QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers with the selected layers or selected > groups of layers in the "Layer Panel"? This would be incredibly useful. You'd (unfortunately -- it's not a trivial change) need to...
Layer Manipulation: Add, remove, or modify map layers. iface.addVectorLayer("/path/to/your/shapefile.shp", "layer_name", "ogr") Feature Iteration: Loop through features in a layer and read or modify attributes. layer = iface.activeLayer() ...
I can confirm this happens on 3.38.3 and 3.40.0 (both on Linux). On my machine the horizontal layers also cause significant slowing down: I'd say it's still a bit worse with the compound layers, although it's a bit difficult to tell / measure....
(self.mPointLayer) # create polygon layer myShpFile = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, 'polys.shp') self.mPolygonLayer = QgsVectorLayer(myShpFile, 'Polygons', 'ogr') self.mMapRegistry.addMapLayer(self.mPolygonLayer) # create two raster layers myRasterFile = os.path.join(TEST_DA...
Locate themetro_stations_accessbility.zipfile in the QGIS Browser and expand it. Select themetro_stations_accessbility.shpfile and drag it to the canvas. A new layermetro_stations_accessbilitywill be loaded in theLayerspanel. The data layer for bars and pubs is in the CSV format. To load...
Multiple pages can be used to display ancillary information like linked tables or other notes which will support the map. The resolution of the output map can be enhanced at “Export resolution” as shown in figure 6. Note that greater the export resolution, higher the map quality and ...
When you finally done with all the requirements of map, you can easily export map by buttons provided in the layout toolbar. If you want to print then it also can done with print button. You can exports as following formats: Export as Image ...