Export legend groups and layers with legendinterface and use this information to display groups in the composer legend. Show selected feature count in status bar Query option added to layer menu to subset vector layers Option to label only selected features (on the 'old' labelling tool) L...
Once the processing finishes, you will see a new layerraster_roadsloaded in theLayerspanel. The default styling will show pixels with roads as white and others as black. We want to convert other 4 vector layers to rasters as well. Rather than running the rasterize algorithm one-by-one, we...
mmqgis_merge(input_layers, output_file_name, status_callback = None) The example below merges four regional data files into a single layer.input_layer_1 = QgsVectorLayer("west.shp") input_layer_2 = QgsVectorLayer("northeast.shp") input_layer_3 = QgsVectorLayer("midwest.shp") input_...
Data Providers: Load raster sublayers from vector tile styles automatically Data Providers: Add WMS layers individually Data Providers: Save projects to Oracle Database Provider QGIS Server: QGIS_SERVER_ALLOWED_EXTRA_SQL_TOKENS settings variable QGIS Server: Open layers in a read only mode with QGIS...
With both the vector layer and the basemap ready, we can finally plot the map: canvas.setExtent(rlayer.extent()) plot_layers([vlayer,rlayer]) Of course, we can get more creative andstyle our vector layers: vlayer.renderer().symbol().setColor(QColor("yellow")) ...
We will take several global vector layers and clip them to the extent of Africa in a single batch command. Other skills you will learn¶ Dissolve (merge) polygons from a layer that have the same attribute. Get the data¶ Natural Earthhas several global vector layers. Download the followi...
File: layers.py Project: lparchaeology/ArkPlan def cloneAsMemoryLayer(layer, name, styleURI=None, symbology=None): if (layer is not None and layer.isValid() and layer.type() == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer): if styleURI is None and symbology is None: symbology = getSymbology(layer) ...
Describes use of MMQGIS, a set of Python vector map layer plugins for Quantum GISIntroductionMMQGIS is a set of Python plugins for manipulating vector map layers in Quantum GIS: CSV input/output/join, geocoding, geometry conversion, buffering, hub analysis, simplification, column modification, ...
"" #Add vector layers to map myLayers = [] myLayers.append(self.mLineLayer.id()) myLayers.append(self.mPolygonLayer.id()) self.mMapRenderer.setLayerSet(myLayers) self.mMapRenderer.setExtent(self.mPointLayer.extent()) #Set blending modes for both layers self.mLineLayer....
Click twice on the original CSV file in the layers list and then navigate to the joins tab. Combine the CSV file with table WKT geometry , created from a shapefile, using a common attribute. It is preferable to use an empty field as a custom field name prefix, ensuring that the WKT co...