Calculate the area of a polygon feature in square meters:$area Calculate the total population of a district by summing the population of each census block:sum("population") Calculate the population density of a district by dividing the total population by the area:"population" / $area Calculate...
Instead, it aims to provide a varied overview of just a couple of selected application examples. These have been selected in order to provide you with experience of working with some of the most common data formats as well as analysis tools....
Geographers, Civil Engineers and many other professionals. If you are new in the field of Geographic Information System (GIS) you should consider learning this application, as it will help you to solve manycomplex problems, analyze area, create reportsetc. with just few clicks. Let me introduce...
2004-08-20 [larsl] 0.4.0devel14 Forgot to calculate bounds for user-added routes and tracks in the GPX provider, which caused unpredictable drawing bugs since selection wouldn't work. Fixed. 2004-08-14 [gsherman] 0.4.0devel13 Moved common toobar icons to drop-down tool menus. This inc...
QGIS has built-in functions to calculate various properties based on the geometry of the feature - such as length, area, perimeter etc. This tutorial will show how to useField Calculatorto add a column with a value representing length of each feature. ...
(parameters, self.OUTPUT)) coordTransform = None # Calculate with: # 0 - layer CRS # 1 - project CRS # 2 - ellipsoidal self.distance_area = QgsDistanceArea() if method == 2: self.distance_area.setSourceCrs(source.sourceCrs(), context.transformContext()) self.distan...
Expressions: Add "main_angle" function to return the estimated main angle of a geometry Expressions: Port refFunctions to core Digitizing: Add option to calculate bearing based on travel direction Digitizing: Digitizing and splitting curved features Data Management: Rescale raster algorithm for Processin...
Before we proceed, let us de-select the features that were selected in the previous step. Go toView ‣ Select ‣ Deselect Features from All Layers. Activate theMapTipstool by going toView ‣ Map Tips. Zoom into any area of the map and put your mouse cursor over any feature. You ...
Python - 47 examples found. These are the top rated real world Python examples of extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples.
Largest Proportion: Takes the value of the join feature that covers the largest proportion of area in the target feature Fields: Selection of the combined attributes from both source layers that will be included in the output. Multiple attributes can be selected. Selection capability is provided so...