Options are "Meters" (the default), "Kilometers," "Feet," "Miles," or "Nautical Miles" Edges Attribute: The name of the field in the input layer to use for the number of edges on each buffer. For a fixed number of edges, select "(fixed)" Fixed Number of Edges: If no edge_...
In the Buffer dialog, select metro_stations as the Input layer. Set 500 meters as the Distance. Save the output to the same spatialquery geopackage and enter metro_stations_buffers as the Layer name. Click Run. You will see a new metro_stations_buffers layers loaded in the Layers panel. ...
We will now enter an expression to change how the layer is rendered. Click the Expression button. Enter the following expression in the Expression Builder dialog. This expression will create a buffer polygon with a radius of 5000 meters around the current position of the cursor. Click OK. ...
rem Set VSI cache to be used as buffer, see#6448 setVSI_CACHE=TRUE setVSI_CACHE_SIZE=1000000 setQT_PLUGIN_PATH=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-dev\qtplugins;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qt5\plugins setPYTHONPATH=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-dev\python;%PYTHONPATH% ...
Pixel coordinates (Image Space) are linked to map coordinates (Coordinate Space) transforming the image units from pixels to map units in feet or meters. Software and data setup QGIS installation In this workshop we'll be using the open source QGIS application to georeference a pair of map sc...
properties include: Font, Size, Style and Buffer size. - With the expression engine being used more and more though out QGIS to allow for things like expression based labels and symbol, many more functions have been added to the expression builder and are all accessible though the expression ...
Processing: Port Union, Difference and Intersection algorithms to C++ Processing: 'Project points (Cartesian)' algorithm Processing: Dynamic parameter values for more algorithms Processing: Multi-ring buffer (constant distance) algorithm Processing: New "segmentize" algorithms Processing: Option to create ...
This tool expresses buffer sizes as absolute linear distance units (miles, feet, meters, kilometers defined by WGS 84 great circle distance) rather than map units. The haversine formula is used to approximate meaningful radius distances independent of the original projection. While this may ...
Processing: Port Union, Difference and Intersection algorithms to C++ Processing: 'Project points (Cartesian)' algorithm Processing: Dynamic parameter values for more algorithms Processing: Multi-ring buffer (constant distance) algorithm Processing: New "segmentize" algorithms Processing: Option to create ...
I installed qgis2 on Sierrra, and I get the following error when starting: Couldn't load plugin processing due to an error when calling its classFactory() method TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found Trace...