Data management: New configuration options for attribute table Data management: Multiple columns in attribute forms Data management: Control over attributes to export when saving a vector layer Data management: Forms view: side column now sortable Data management: Relation reference widget: shortcut for...
In this example we will be searching for a city in a cities layer. Open the table by clicking the ‘Open Attribute table’ icon shown below. Below the table click on ‘column filter’ > select the column you want to search through. In this case it is the column called ‘name’ Type ...
Rotation Attribute: The name of the field in the input layer to use as the rotation (in degrees) for each buffer. For a fixed rotation, select "(fixed)" Fixed Rotation (Degrees): If no rotation_attribute is given, use this fixed rotation (in degrees) Output File Name: The name of th...
> unique column(!), you are practically filtering your data... but it's not > clear WHAT is used or filtered ... and as an example: the feature count then > still shows 5 but the attribute table only shows 3 (filtered) > > What do other providers do in such case (I think post...
Right click your layer in the Layers panel and change the style. Right click your layer again and select the Open Attribute Table option to show a table view of the features in the CARTO dataset. Select the “Identify Features” tool and click on any of the features to get all the infor...
name prefix "expr_" are evaluated. Their value is interpreted as field calculator string and replaced with the calculated value. - Support searching for NULL in attribute table. - Attribute editing improvements: - Improved interactive attribute editing in table (adding/deleting features, attribute upd...
representing the second geometry column An attribute layer without any geometry. Here is an example: if I take back Richard's hypothesis. One option could be that the way how I create my record in user_SDO_GEOM_METADATATABLE is not correct and therefore ...
Now theclass_area_with_landcoverlayer will be loaded in canvas. Open the Attribute table. Thelandcovercolumn will contain the landcover name against each landcover value. Let’s export this result as an excel file. Before export we will also organize the table and remove unwanted fields. In...
Note that I used two different rules here - thesecondone is a list of city names that are also recorded as having a 1 in the"worldcity"column in the attribute table for the layer, but then I also wanted to add a few more that weren't classified this way, so I added a few more...
Open the Attribute Table of thelandfill_siteslayer. This layer contains all solid waste collection sites in Cape Town. You can see that theSTATUSattribute contains whether the facilities are operational or not. We can use the values in this column to select only the Current facilities. ...