在PyQGIS QGIS 3.10中,可以使用以下步骤从CSV加载点图层: 1. 导入必要的模块: ```python from qgis.core import QgsVectorLayer, Q...
方法一:添加分隔文本图层,以csv为例 方法二:HCMGIS插件,以csv为例,支持批量转换 方法三:MMQGIS插...
lineVecLayer.startEditing()print("editing layer:%s..."% (layername)) points = [QgsPoint(minx, miny), QgsPoint(minx, maxy), QgsPoint(maxx, maxy), QgsPoint(maxx, miny), QgsPoint(minx, miny)]# create featureprint("add feature to layer:%s..."% (layername)) line_feature = QgsFeature(...
QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(vlayer) 以上代码将CSV图层添加到当前的QGIS项目中。 总结: PyQGIS是一个用于在Python中使用QGIS功能的库。要导入CSV文件并更改底图的CRS,可以使用PyQGIS的QgsVectorLayer和QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem类来实现。首先加载CSV文件作为矢量图层,然后使用QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem类来更改...
将存入excel中的点数据导入qgis中,并转换成shapfile文件。1、将excel数据转换成csv数据打开excel文件,选择文件—另存为,选择csv格式 2、QGIS导入csv数据工具栏Layer->Add Layer->Add Delimited Text Layer打开1中转换后的csv文件,X field出选择经度,Y field出选择纬度,其余默认 ...
Once you have the Geometry defined go ahead and click “Add” at the bottom. Once you have this layer it can be exported to any file format you want like Shapefile, geopackage, or KML. Want QGIS Training?Need help with a project? Give us a shout at info at northrivergeographic.com...
开发者ID:pgRouting,项目名称:pgRoutingLayer,代码行数:29,代码来源:qgis_models.py 示例10: testImportCSVFile ▲点赞 1▼ # 需要导入模块: from qgis.core import QgsApplication [as 别名]# 或者: from qgis.core.QgsApplication importinitQgis[as 别名]deftestImportCSVFile(self):QgsApplication.setPrefixPath...
The above script works like a charm, when a user add a single layer using the data source manager. But it partially fails when opening a project. The layers are registred, but it doesn't register the uri for the individual layers. I assume the event ...
1. Download the 2GB offline vector basemap fromhttps://www.data.gv.at/katalog/de/dataset/basemap-at-verwaltungsgrundkarte-vektor-offline-osterreich 2. Add the .vtpk as a layer using the Data Source Manager or via drag-and-drop from the file explorer ...