作为这么短的书,目的在于 reveal the common structure and ideas of applications of QFT in condensed matter physics that provide the tools necessary for further studies. 我认为它也的确做到了这一点。 为什么凝聚态要用QFT?因为凝聚态有一大把自由度,而一大把自由度的问题QFT最擅长。 最常用的方法是什么?
Condensed Matter Field Theory——Atland 最经典的凝聚态场论 Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics——Fradkin 第二本凝聚态场论,不过没来得及翻 Quantum Field in Condensed Matter Physics——N. Nagaosa 第三本凝聚态场论,小巧精悍 Selected Topics in Field Quantization——Pauli 泡利大师的场量子化选讲,也...