《经典力学:质点系和哈密顿动力学》内容是分析力学 《经典电动力学》内容不说了,可大致对标格里菲斯那...
神仙场论书,适合学过一遍之后再读/重复读 An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory——Peskin 平易近人,个人感觉第一章不知所云,后面的还可以 量子场论——郑汉青 郑大师写的讲义出版的书,言简意赅,起点较高,作为补充很不错 Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model——Schwartz 别具一格,从粒子物理角度...
This defines SM (ϕ) as an element of D (M 2) and by Schwartz's kernel theorem we can associate to it an operator from D(M ) to D (M ). Actually, since LM (f ) is local, the second derivative has support on the diagonal, so SM (ϕ) can be evaluated on smooth functions...
theories that fit into this framework. It turns out that the method of deformation quantization [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 7, 12] combined with renormalization a'la Epstein-Glaser [20] allows to build models that describe many physically interesting situation including QED and the Standard Model....