rebase [-f fmt] [-t cache] [-p] [-u] -b backing_file [-F backing_fmt] filename resize filename [+ | -]size Command parameters: filename is a disk image filename fmt is the disk image format. It is guessed automatically in most cases. See below for a description of the suppor...
qemu-img commit [--object OBJECTDEF] [--image-opts] [-q] [-f FMT] [-t CACHE] [-b BASE] [-d] [-p] FILENAME 1. 把FILENAME 镜像中记录的更改提交到其关系链的某个 backing file 中。如果 backing file 比 FILENAME 小,那么backing file的大小将调整为与 FILENAME 相同的大小。如果FILENAME...
[root@desktop example]# qemu-img info test5.qcow2 image: test5.qcow2 file format: qcow2 virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes) disk size: 1.0G cluster_size: 65536 Format specific information: compat: 1.1 lazy refcounts: false [root@desktop example]# qemu-img resize test5.qcow2 +2G Im...
4、调整虚拟磁盘容量大小 resize [-q] filename [+ | -]size 创建完磁盘以后 ,可能需要对磁盘进行扩容操作,这个时候可以用过 qemu-img resize命令实现 测试发现,qcow2和RAW格式的磁盘文件均支持扩容,但是仅raw格式文件支持缩容,qcow2不支持,这与两种磁盘文件类型有关,raw为连续的。另外,需要注意,在生产环境中,...
resize filename[+|-]size 改变镜像文件的大小,使其不同于创建之时的大小。“+”和“-”分别表示增加和减少镜 像文件的大小,size也支持K、M、G、T等单位的使用。 缩小镜像的大小之前,需要在客户机中保证其中的文件系统有空余空间,否则数据会丢失。另外,qcow2格式文件不支持 缩小镜像的操作。
By company size Enterprises Small and medium teams Startups By use case DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all solutions Resources Topics AI DevOps Security Software Development View all...
(option, callback, arg_string) \ " " arg_string "\n" #include "qemu-img-cmds.h" #undef DEF "\n" "Command parameters:\n" " 'filename' is a disk image filename\n" " 'objectdef' is a QEMU user creatable object definition. See the qemu(1)\n" " manual page for a description...
qemu-img resize mydisk.img +5G In the above command, we use the "resize" option followed by the name of the disk image. The "+5G" parameter specifies the amount by which we want to increase the size of the disk image. Similarly, "-5G" can be used to decrease the size of the di...
...qemu-img create -f raw rbd:{pool-name}/{image-name} {size} 例如: [root@ltczhp20 ~]# qemu-img create -f...qemu-img resize rbd:{pool-name}/{image-name} {size} 例如: [root@ltczhp20 ~]# qemu-img resize -f raw rbd...qemu-img convert -c -f fmt -O out_fmt -o ...
Create disk image with a specific size (in gigabytes): qemu-img create image_name.img gigabytesG Show information about a disk image: qemu-img info image_name.img Increase or decrease image size: qemu-img resize image_name.img gigabytesG Dump the allocation state of every sector of the spe...