>qemu-system-riscv32-nographic \-M esp32c3 \-drive file=build/flash_image.bin,if=mtd,format=raw \-drive file=build/qemu_efuse.bin,if=none,format=raw,id=efuse \-global driver=nvram.esp32c3.efuse,property=drive,value=efuse \-serial mon:stdio Adding SPI flash device ESP-ROM:esp32c3...
> qemu-system-riscv32 -nographic \ -M esp32c3 \ -drive file=build/flash_image.bin,if=mtd,format=raw \ -drive file=build/qemu_efuse.bin,if=none,format=raw,id=efuse \ -global driver=nvram.esp32c3.efuse,property=drive,value=efuse \ -serial mon:stdio Adding SPI flash device ESP-...
build/qemu-system-xtensa-nographic-s-S\-machine esp32 \-drive file=flash_image.bin,if=mtd,format=raw 其中flash_image.bin是之前生成的SPI闪存镜像。 然后,要连接GDB客户端,请使用以下命令: 代码语言:javascript 复制 xtensa-esp32-elf-gdb build/app-name.elf \-ex"target remote :1234"\-ex"monitor...
sdhci_slot1@200: 2, emmc_slot0@100: 0 Loading Environment from SPI Flash... SF: Detected mx...
./arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm -M iPod-Touch,bootrom=<path to bootrom image>,iboot=<path to iboot image>,nand=<path to nand directory> -serial mon:stdio -cpu max -m 1G -d unimp -pflash <path to NOR image> 请记住修复标志,以便它们正确指向下载的系统文件。运行上述命令应该会启动模拟...
文章目录路由器的硬件构成# 构成分析路由器的软件构成路由器固件开发一般流程OpenWrt开发环境 路由器的硬件构成 Atheros/QualCom 高通、BroadCom 博通、MediaTek 联发科、RealTek 瑞昱 RAM SDRAM、DDR、DDR2、DDR3 ROM(Flash) 串(SPI Flas a53架构 arm 路由器 ...
* 5 ECSPI controllers * 1 SST 25VF016B flash / Linux NXP, 飞思卡尔 / Siemens SX1 OMAP310 arm ARM925T - Texas Instruments OMAP310 System-on-chip (ARM925T core) - ROM and RAM memories (ROM firmware image can be loaded with
QEMU BCM2836芯片模拟器900MHz 4核 ARM Cortex-A7 CPU, VideoCore IV 双核 GPU (2D 3D显示加速, 视频编解码), 1GB 内存, 100M以太网, HDMI显示, USB2.0 x 4, SD卡, 音频输出, GPIO, 摄像头输入, 液晶屏接口, 串口, SPI, I2C等嵌入式通用模块树莓派2B同款硬件 ...
For now, the emulator supports SPI and I2C (BSC) controllers. Still on ARM, QEMU 9.0 provides board support for the mp3-an536 (MPS3 dev board + AN536 firmware) and B-L475E-IOT01A IoT node, plus architectural feature support for Nested Virtualization, Enhanced Counter Virtualization, and ...
3. QEMU:QEMU是一个通用的开源模拟器,可以模拟各种处理器架构,用于测试和开发嵌入式软件。在RT-...