此时qemu停下来了,等待gdb的连接再打开一个终端,进入到fw_jump.elf的目录下:cd risc-v/opensbi/bui...
RISC-V篇-从编译qemu开始,运行opensbi+kernel+rootfs 01 以DEBUG方式编译OpenSBI 由于上次编译命令没有加DEBUG=1参数,所以为了调试,需要重新编译: make clean make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- PLATFORM=generic DEBUG=1 all -j2 02 安装gdb 直接安装gdb-multiarch即可: sudo apt install gdb-multiarch -y ...
qemu-system-riscv64: clint: invalid write: 0000e9d8 qemu-system-riscv64: clint: invalid write: 0000e9dc qemu-system-riscv64: clint: invalid write: 0000e9e0 qemu-system-riscv64: clint: invalid write: 0000e9e4 qemu-system-riscv64: clint: invalid write: 0000e9e8 qemu-system-riscv64: ...
而configs/devices/riscv64-softmmu/default.mak中的内容则是: # Default configuration for riscv64-softmmu# Uncomment the following lines to disable these optional devices:##CONFIG_PCI_DEVICES=nCONFIG_SEMIHOSTING=yCONFIG_ARM_COMPATIBLE_SEMIHOSTING=y# Boards:#CONFIG_SPIKE=yCONFIG_SIFIVE_E=yCONFIG_SIFIVE...
What’s New in RISC-V QEMU Here is a brief summary of the recent changes in RISC-V QEMU: New Support for privileged ISA v1.10 (spike_v1.10board) Backwards compatibility for privileged ISA v1.9.1 (spike_v1.9board) Parameterizable CLINT (Core Local Interruptor) ...
riscv_asm_swap_two_integer.md riscv_function_call_and_return.md riscv_interrupt_and_trap.md riscv_privilege_mode.md riscv_qemu_opensbi.md riscv_terminology.md rust_for_linux_network_driver.md rustc_demangle.md sdcv_dict_cli.md strdup_require_free.md vec_push_mem_add...
Nuclei QEMU supports two main programs: qemu-system-riscv32 and qemu-system-riscv64. qemu-system-riscv32 is used to support 32-bit programs, while qemu-system-riscv64 supports 64-bit programs. This is an example of a fully functional parameter for Nuclei QEMU: qemu-system-riscv32 -M ...
The RISC-V QEMU port supports the following hardware blocks and features: HTIF Console (Host Target Interface) for Spike emulation SiFive CLINT (Core Local Interruptor) for Timer interrupts and IPIs SiFive PLIC (Platform Level Interrupt Controller) for multi-core interrupts ...