如果客户机文件系统(如Linux上的ext2/ext3/ext4、Windows的NTFS)支持“空洞”(hole),那么镜像文件只有在被写有数据的扇区才会真正占用磁盘空间,从而起到节省磁盘空间的作用,就如前面用"qemu-img info"命令查看镜像文件信息中看到的那样。qemu-img默认的raw格式的文件其实是稀疏文件(sparse file ),前面“安装客户机...
1、qemu-img info 查看磁盘信息 #info [-f fmt] [--output=ofmt] [--backing-chain] filename 1[root@KVM03-10 opt]# qemu-img info centos2.1.raw2image: centos2.1.raw3file format: raw4virtual size: 10G (10737418240 bytes)5disk size: 1.2G 磁盘文件类型: RAW:裸格式,连续,不支持快照等高级...
If the option backing_file is specified, then the image will record only the differences from backing_file. No size needs to be specified in this case. backing_file will never be modified unless you use the "commit" monitor command (or qemu-img commit). 查看镜像信息 qemu-img info qemu-i...
如果客户机文件系统(如Linux上的ext2/ext3/ext4、Windows的NTFS)支持“空洞”(hole),那么镜像文件只有在被写有数据的扇区才会真正占用磁盘空间,从而起到节省磁盘空间的作用,就如前面用"qemu-img info"命令查看镜像文件信息中看到的那样。qemu-img默认的raw格式的文件其实是稀疏文件(sparse file ),前面“安装客户机...
$ sudo qemu-img info /guests/F21server.qcow2.snap image: /guests/F21server.qcow2.snap file format: qcow2 virtual size: 20G (21474836480 bytes) disk size: 15M cluster_size: 65536 backing file: /guests/F21server.img $ sudo qemu-img commit /guests/F21server.qcow2.snap ...
qemu-img help shows this syntax for the create command: create [--object objectdef] [-q] [-f fmt] [-b backing_file] [-F backing_fmt] [-u] [-o options] filename [size] Looks like adding -F <format> should be enough however now we will need to detect the base image format si...
Sparse file qemu-img # 查看映射情况 qemu-img map delta.qcow2 # 创建 sparse 文件 qemu-img create -f raw test.raw 2G dd if=/dev/zero of=test.raw seek=2G bs=1 count=1 # 传输 sparse 文件 # 还是相对慢 rsync -aS test.raw admin@server:~ ...
后端镜像文件不会被修改,除非在QEMU monitor中使用“commit”命令或者使用“qemu-img commit”命令去手动提交这些改动。这种情况下,size参数不是必须需的,其值默认为后端镜像文件的大小。另外,直接使用“-b backfile”参数也与“-o backing_file=backfile”效果相同。
write" lock Is another process using the image [/home/qemu/rhel-server-7.7-x86_64-kvm.qcow2]? [code=1 int1=-1] qemu-img -U option allows to open the image in shared mode, and it can be used to get the running image information....
2、使用后端模板文件创建一个新的镜像盘文件备注:-b使用后端模板文件 [root@room9pc01 ~]# qemu-img create -b disk.img -f qcow2 disk1.img Formatting ‘disk1.img’, fmt=qcow2 size=53687091200 backing_file=‘disk.img’ encryption=off cluster_size=65536 lazy_refcounts=off ...