7 继续安装驱动盘里的驱动,一个是qemu-ga-x86_64.msi,一个是qemu guest agent,virtio-win-guest-tools.exe 8 安装spice webdavd,以便进行文件传输,暂时省略 可以参考 Sharing a folder a windows guest under virt-manager How to share folder with Windows 10 guest using virt-manager (KVM)? 9 建立内存...
通过guestmount挂载该镜像并查看其内容。需要安装libguestfs-tools。 apt install libguestfs-tools 通过guestmount挂载该镜像到/mnt目录,可以查看或修改根文件系统内容,然后用guestunmount解除挂载。 guestmount -a image.qcow2 -m /dev/sda1 /mnt/ ls /mnt guestunmount /mnt 导出FDT 下步启动内核时需要FDT,从qemu...
6 安装完windows之后,需要安装网卡驱动才能上网,打开设备管理器,点击update driver,选择驱动盘,会自动找到驱动并安装 7 继续安装驱动盘里的驱动,一个是qemu-ga-x86_64.msi,一个是qemu guest agent,virtio-win-guest-tools.exe 8 安装spice webdavd,以便进行文件传输,暂时省略 可以参考 https://www.guyrutenberg....
1. 安装 qemu guest agent 可以用于对 libvirtd 下的 instance 进行管理 2. 可以用于收集 windows 的内存信息 (需要添加 balloon 驱动)12 参考安装 qemu guest agent + balloon 驱动前的 windows 数据返回与 linux 下的数据返回差异 默认状态下,windows 只返回当前系统分配的内存 actual 与当前进程 (kvm) 使用中...
SPICE Guest Tools and QEMU Drivers (Windows) Download SPICE Guest Tools (Ubuntu) Run from a terminal: sudo apt install spice-vdagent spice-webdavd UTM v4.0.8 and newRelease (版本不定期更新中) 下载地址:https://sysin.org/blog/utm-4/ ...
(1) windows虚拟机配置 Windows虚拟机需要安装增强工具spice-guest-tools,软件包含qxl视频卡驱动,SPICE guest agent,实现同步剪贴板,鼠标,任意调整虚拟机分辨率等功能,安装QXL驱动前,请确保已添加virtio镜像。 下载地址 http://www.spice-space.org/download/windows/spice-guest-tools/spice-guest-tools-latest.exe ...
guest-agent-msi build guest agent Windows MSI installation package pie Position Independent Executables modules modules support (non-Windows) module-upgrades try to load modules from alternate paths for upgrades debug-tcg TCGdebugging(default is disabled) ...
KVM/QEMU Windows guest drivers (virtio-win) This repository contains KVM/QEMU Windows guest drivers, for both paravirtual and emulated hardware. The code builds and ships as part of the virtio-win RPM on Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and the binaries are also available in the form of...
It is recommended to use the AHCI drivers on creating the VM (not virtio) but i am failrly sure the only way to get the guest agent onto a windows box is to install from the virtio drivers ISO? How do I get my windows machines to shut down gracefully if I power off the scale ...