Bank of England Consider More QEBANK of England policymakers have considered further action to boost the economy this month amid concerns over tightening credit conditions and a slowdown in the UK recovery.Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England)...
Quantitative easing (QE)是在经济衰退时政府主导的行动,60年代由英国的Bank of England创造。定量宽松的原则是放宽货币政策,降低利率,首先涉及中央银行,尤其是它们的投放性金融政策——即购买金融资产以解决某些业务机构所面临的资金问题。 其次,定量宽松的重要目标是控制利率水平和货币流动。定量宽松意味着政府和/或中央...
英国央行新增500亿英镑QE 维持0.5%利率不变 英格兰银行(Bank of England)是英国的中央银行,该银行于1694年以私营方式成立,自1931年起服从于财政部的政策并于1946年被收归国有。1997年英格兰银行成为一个独立的公共机构,由政府全资所有但拥有自己独立的货币政策。 英格兰银行的领导机构是理事会,由总裁、副总裁及16名...
The Bank of England is likely to incur much bigger losses on its quantitative easing programme than other central banks, according to an analysis by a former member of its interest rate-setting committee. Michael Saunders, who left the Monetary Policy Committee last year, said the losses were l...
The Bank of England has invested hundreds of billions of pounds in the bond market over more than a decade since the financial crisis. The time has surely come to reflect on how this programme works and whether there is a better way. ...
【财新网】(MarketWatch-William L. Watts)英国央行(Bank of England)于3月8日决定,维持其当前的基准贷款利率及资产收购项目规模不变。该银行的利率维持在了自2009年3月以来的0.5%的历史低位。该银行的货币政策委员会(Monetary Policy Committee)也通过投票决定不改变其作为量化宽松主内容的资产购买计划。在今年2月...
followed by a very sluggish recovery. To bail out the financial markets and stimulate the economy, their central banks (such as the Fed, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, Bank of England, etc.) lowered their benchmark interest rates to close to zero. For conventional monetary policies, ...
In August 2016, theBank of England (BoE)launched a quantitative easing program to help address the potential economic ramifications ofBrexit. By buying £60 billion of government bonds and £10 billion in corporate debt, the plan was intended to keep interest rates from rising and stimulate ...
【财新网】(MarketWatch—William L. Watts)根据周三(7月18日)公布的会议记录,英国央行(Bank of England)决策者于本月早期做出的购买500亿英镑(782亿美元)资产,将资产购买项目总额提高到3750亿英镑的决定并未得到全体同意,由9人组成的货币政策委员会(Monetary Policy Committee)中有两人投票保持该项目规模不变。
在英国经济年度评估报告中,IMF再次对英国紧缩计划以及英国央行(Bank of England)将基准利率保持在0.5%这一2009年3月来纪录低点的决定表示支持。 IMF还表示,经过一段时间的停滞后,英国经济应开始重新步入增长轨道,预计今年的国内生产总值(GDP)将增长1.5%,2012年增长2.5%。