1、CSGO,CS1.6:用RIVAL打了两场满十,打了一场1.6比赛,CPI 1600,WIN2/11,SENS2.5,直接用的QCK+ 暗黑3,个人感觉RIVAL定位还是十分准的,鼠标的整体重量比IE3要稍微多一些,甩起来感觉很明显的。一般右手人体工学的鼠标,趴握的方式是很舒服的,因为之前一直用FK,习惯了抓握,一开始用RIVAL还有点不习惯,使用过程中...
[CS2] 狙击步枪入门与钢铁般的左键 是的,我有一把印花集。 --- BGM: Da Vosk Docta - Air Lake --- Sens: 1600x1 Mouse: GPW1 Keyboard: IKBC Mousepad: - Healock于20240926发布在抖音,已经收获了8个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
1、CSGO,CS1.6:用RIVAL打了两场满十,打了一场1.6比赛,CPI 1600,WIN2/11,SENS2.5,直接用的QCK+ 暗黑3,个人感觉RIVAL定位还是十分准的,鼠标的整体重量比IE3要稍微多一些,甩起来感觉很明显的。一般右手人体工学的鼠标,趴握的方式是很舒服的,因为之前一直用FK,习惯了抓握,一开始用RIVAL还有点不习惯,使用过程中...
I use a metal MSI mousepad that has anodized aluminum, very good for low sens and very accurate. But I think it was discontinued. If you can find it I would 100% recommend it. Better than any cloth mousepad I've ever had (i've had many from razer,hyperx etc) but it does make...
As you probably noted, this mat is absolutely huge! It's way bigger than my Razer Mantis Speed and QPAD LowSens. At this size it's save to say that this new mat from SteelPad is directly aimed at low sensitivity gamers. As you can see from the picture above, the surface is really ...
1、CSGO,CS1.6:用RIVAL打了两场满十,打了一场1.6比赛,CPI 1600,WIN2/11,SENS2.5,直接用的QCK+ 暗黑3,个人感觉RIVAL定位还是十分准的,鼠标的整体重量比IE3要稍微多一些,甩起来感觉很明显的。一般右手人体工学的鼠标,趴握的方式是很舒服的,因为之前一直用FK,习惯了抓握,一开始用RIVAL还有点不习惯,使用过程中...
Sur cette page, le partage prend tout son sens... C’est avec beaucoup d’humilité que vous trouverez quelques clichés insolites et quelques unes de mes modestes réalisations. La technique ne sera pas forcément le sujet ( je veux bien progresser...). 显示更多 7关注者0关注...