cd /home/Your_Username/.config/qBittorrent vim qBittorrent.conf Adding this line under [Preferences], in the config file, works, for setting the default password manually to: adminadmin WebUI\Password_PBKDF2="@ByteArray(ARQ77eY1NUZaQsuDHbIMCA==:0WMRkYTUWVT9wVvdDtHAjU9b3b7uB8NR1Gur2hmQCv...
解决办法: 找到 /root/.config/qBittorrent/qBittorrent.conf这个配置文件,删除“WebUI\Password_PBKDF2”这一行,保存后重启qbit后即可重置为默认密码。docker logs -f qbittorrentee 查看WebUI管理员临时密码
If you're running this container locally and just need to get into to configure things and you're not exposing this to the internet, you can edit your qBittorrent.conf and add the following line to bypass authentication for requests on your local subnet: WebUI\AuthSubnetWhitelist=
The Web UI administrator password has not been changed from the default: adminadmin This is a ...
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/MantisBT/web/upload/ 4、图片预览插件LightBox2的安装与配置 对于附件图片尺寸很大,预览显示比较小的问题,网上提供的另一种解决方法就是安装lightbox2,网上虽然有详细讲解但可能版本比较老,教程没办法拿来就用,还是需要小小改动一下。这里使用的lightbox2版本为v3.0。lightbox2使用了jquer...
To control qBittorrent, access the WebUI at: http://localhost:8080 The Web UI administrator username is: admin The Web UI administrator password has not been changed from the default: adminadmin This is a security risk, please change your password in program preferences. ...
启动成功后,这个项目的web UI页面可以通过局域网IP:8080端口访问到,默认用户名为admin, 默认登录密码为adminadmin After successful startup, the web UI page of this project can be accessed through the LAN IP:8080 port, the default username isadmin, and the default login password isadminadmin ...
There is no default password, not since the v4.6.1 was released. See Now, since we don't actually get to see the console during installation to TrueNAS, we're in a bit of a pickle. One suggested solution is to edit the /var/db/qBittorrent/conf/...
export default LayoutFooter 到此,简单完成了 Next.js 对接 qBittorrent。并简单将 qBittorrent 的 torrent 列表渲染出来,间隔 1 秒轮询获取当前下载速度、上传信息。 这里只是简单的列出 torrent 列表等信息,并不是当做一个可操作 qBittorrent 的 web ui。更多的功能还是在 qBittorrent 主界面进行操作与配置。
The most important change has to do with WebUI. It affects users that haven't set their own credentials and are use the default ones. Those will not be accepted now and qBittorrent will generate a random password and output it in the console for you to use. Then you can login and con...