1.2.2 优化tracker列表 1.2.3 设置搜索插件 二:安装jackett插件 2.1安装jackett插件 2.2设置jackett 三:设置qbtee支持jackett,打造一站式下载 3.1获取jackett的apikey 3.2修改qbtee的jackett配置 3.3搜索并下载资源 OVER!祝大家下载愉快! 前言 为什么用qBEE: 因为qBEE可以自动更新tracker列表,BT环境要想下载速度快,要么...
Suggestion There are several projects about quality trackers collection in Github and other websites. When I try to update these tracker lists in setting, I found out that this work is not only frequent but can only be done manually. Cou...
Update multiple Trackerslists at the same time and merge the same trackers eg:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngosang/trackerslist/master/trackers_all.txt https://newtrackon.com/api/stable http://github.itzmx.com/1265578519/OpenTracker/master/tracker.txt Contributor thalieht commented Apr 17, ...
添加Trackerlist,没啥好说的。原版并不支持自动更新列表,仅限于增强版。第一个选项不用勾选。 qbitorrent有个bug,当你添加了很多tracker之后,只有第一个工作,其它都是未联系。这让我们添加的Tracker都白费了,一般人也很少注意到这个问题。 只有一个Track工作 4.2以上新版本很好解决,直接在高级设置里面勾选一个“总...
Alist 和 AriaNg 连接 Aria2-RPC_PORT=6800-LISTEN_PORT=6888-DISK_CACHE=64M-IPV6_MODE=false-UPDATE_TRACKERS=true-CUSTOM_TRACKER_URL=-TZ=Asia/Shanghaivolumes:-/home/dalong/.aria2:/config-/home/dalong/download:/downloads# 在:号前配置你要在主机上保存下载文件的路径-/home/dalong/app/alist:/...
For extra features bug(such as Auto Ban, API, Auto Update Tracker lists...), please report to:https://github.com/c0re100/qBittorrent-Enhanced-Edition/issues 简介 [Unofficial] qBittorrent Enhanced, based on qBittorrent 暂无标签 GPL-2.0 ...
最近发现了个 qBittorrent 增强版,全名叫 qBittorrent Enhanced Edition ,添加了很多实用功能,最近正好还添加了 订阅 Tracker URL 功能,这样 Tracker 就不用每次手动更新了,很方便! qBittorrentEE 项目地址: github。com/c0re100/qBittorrent-Enhanced-Edition Tracker 项目地址: trackerslist。com 如果无法访问就在链接...
这是因为 qBittorrent 使用的 1.1.* 版本的 libtorrent 目前有个 bug,会向 tracker 上报错误的端口号 0: https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/8733 临时解决方法 1: 改用 3.* 版本的 qBittorren,3.* 版本的 qBittorren使用的是 1.0.* 版本的 libtorrent,没有这个 bug。 临时解决方法 2:...
FEATURE: Expose stop_tracker_timeout in advanced settings (an0n666)FEATURE: Add piece_extent_affinity to AdvancedSettings (FranciscoPombal)FEATURE: Reorganize UI theme selection (Prince Gupta)FEATURE: Show any multiple connections from the same IP in peer list (thalieht)FEATURE: Add stalled ...
to create torrent files. The process is straightforward and doesn’t require you to possess any technical skills or knowledge. You only need to choose the folder or file from the hard disk and complete accurate information in a few fields, such as web seed URLs, tracker URLs, and so on....