I have checked with some port check tool sites, and they report that my port is visible and port forwarding is working. The site support gurus say that my client (qbittorrent) is seeding fine, but the seeding is not being reported. I then tried pausing the torrents and starting them agai...
I thought maybe my ISP was blocking me from seeding. My geek friend said there's no leechers & that's why it's not seeding, but clearly if you are moving to utorrent & it's working, then the details about how many leechers is wrong. It's a shame, I always loved this software d...
- BUGFIX: Fix strict super seeding (was not working) - BUGFIX: Improve magnet save path handling (closes #683395) - BUGFIX: Disable overwrite confirmation in torrent addition dialog (closes # 685269) - COSMETIC: Replaced message box by on-screen notification for download errors ...
Except it says 100% seeding for all the seeds. No peers essentially either. Truenas server has been up for 9 days running; no problems. But seems like a day or so, stopped seeding? Had not reset, or tried to upgrade or anything. No power outage. I can ping, no packet loss, didn'...
Is there a way to export my existing torrents so I can continue seeding them after I re-setup. Top nfeschiev New here Posts: 2 Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:25 pm Re: [ QBittorrent4 ] [ ] Bittorrent Client Post by nfeschiev » Fri Dec 23, 2022 5:40 pm FrankieV...
- BUGFIX: Fix strict super seeding (was not working) - BUGFIX: Improve magnet save path handling (closes #683395) - BUGFIX: Disable overwrite confirmation in torrent addition dialog (closes # 685269) - COSMETIC: Replaced message box by on-screen notification for download errors ...
The goal of this article is to create a qBittorrent Web version downloader, running on the Raspberry Pi at home, supporting public network access to add download tasks, maintaining upload seeding, using the lowest electricity cost, maintaining 7x24 hours online, and continuously obtaining magic val...
It means that torrents are not getting picked up to be "avaible for work" (be it downloading or seeding). And from one specific tracker, it is random of how many of them are working or not. Tracker claims to be working "normally", verified by me via Transmission. qbt, on the other...
I've asked the site admins to look and they see nothing wrong on their end. Tracker is up and running and in fact everything looks on the up and up with my account and seeding. They've no idea why I'm getting "Not working" and suggested I start with qBittorrent as well as my ...
- FEATURE: Add option to stop seeding when torrent has been inactive (Christopher) - FEATURE: Allow to use proxy per subsystem (glassez) - FEATURE: Expand the scope of "Proxy hostname lookup" option (glassez) - FEATURE: Add shortcut for "Ban peer permanently" function (Luka Čelebi...