qBittorrent 从一开始就使用 Qt 构建,因此随着 Qt 的发展,qBittorrent 也在不断进化。Qt 6 的引入,标志着 qBittorrent 向着现代化迈进了一步。 Qt 6 带来了许多新特性和性能优化,比如更好的图形渲染、改进的动画效果、更高效的内存管理等。这些改进能够直接影响 qBittorrent 的用户体验和性能。比如,借助 Qt 6 ...
URL: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qbittorrent/files/qbittorrent-win32/qbittorrent-5.0.0/qbittorrent_5.0.0_lt20_qt6_x64_setup.exe/download OK (Automated message - build 923) Collaborator stephengillie commented Nov 9, 2024 Close with reason: Package still available; microsoft-github-policy...
qBittorrent & operating system versions qbittorrent-4.4.0 x64 Operating system: Arch Linux x64 Qt: 6.2.2 libtorrent-rasterbar-1:2.0.5 What is the problem? UI is noticably slower compared to 4.3.9. Steps to reproduce Select a torrent in U...
The good news is that it’s now a lot easier to run qBittorrent on your favorite distro. Created on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, the AppImage doesn’t require installation and uses the latest versions of the Qt 6, libtorrent, Boost, and OpenSSL libraries. ...
It's worth noting that even on Ubuntu 24.04, the qt6 packages are too old to be used. Ubuntu supplies qt 6.4.2 while qBittorrent requires 6.5.0. I wish qBittorrent's version requirements would take into account Ubuntu's available packages. It means qbittorent didn't check qt version it...
Install qbittorrent 4.6.0 with the 'qbittorrent_4.6.0_lt20_qt6_x64_setup.exe' installer. Start qbitttorent, and (if needed) click (in the menu) on 'help' and 'check for update'. Click on 'Yes'. qbittorrent will now offer to download 'qbittorrent_4.6.1_x64_setup.exe', instead...
I believe that the transition to Qt6 will not be instantaneous and we will need to support both Qt5 and Qt6 for some time. So I suggest discussing here the main incompatibilities between Qt5 and Qt6, as well as the steps we should take to add initial support for Qt6. I suggest ...