2.3 qbittorrent-nox控制命令 systemctl start qbittorrent-nox # 启动qbittorrent-nox systemctl restart qbittorrent-nox # 重启qbittorrent-nox systemctl stop qbittorrent-nox # 停止qbittorrent-nox systemctl status qbittorrent-nox # 查看qbittorrent-nox状态 3、卸载qbittorrent-nox 如果你觉得qbittorrent不能...
新建compose.yml文件如下(docker compose安装方法),创建好后以docker-compose up -d(旧版)或docker compose up -d(新版)命令启动即可。 version: "2.0" services: qbittorrent: image: nevinee/qbittorrent # 如想参与测试工作可以指定nevinee/qbittorrent:unstable,如想使用集成了iyuu的版本请指定nevinee/qbittorrent...
新建docker-compose.yml version: "2" services: qbittorrent: image: linuxserver/qbittorrent container_name: bt environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Asia/Shanghai # 你的时区 - UMASK_SET=022 - WEBUI_PORT=1234 # 将此处修改成你欲使用的 WEB 管理平台端口 volumes: - /APP/BT/config:/...
If using Docker Compose: docker compose up A few notes: Alternatively, you can useghcr.io/qbittorrent/docker-qbittorrent-nox:${QBT_VERSION}for the image path. By default the timezone in the container uses the default of Alpine Linux (which is most likelyUTC). You can set the environment...
export TS_EXTRA_ARGS=--exit-node= export TS_AUTHKEY=*** docker compose up Run And then access qBittorrent-nox at "http://${created tailscale node}:8080". Default admin/pw is admin/adminadmin, you can update qbittorrent configuration in web....
docker-compose version: "2.0" services: qbittorrent: image: nevinee/qbittorrent container_name: qbittorrent restart: always tty: true network_mode: bridge hostname: qbitorrent volumes: - ./data:/data environment: - WEBUI_PORT=8080 # WEBUI控制端口,可自定义 ...
apt install qbittorrent-nox 等待命令执行完即可。 安装完成后,我们创建qBittorrent这个服务,方便设置开机自启。 执行如下命令: nano /etc/systemd/system/qbittorrent.service 然后将下面的内容粘贴并保存: [Unit] Description=qBittorrent Daemon Service
docker compose upCopy 10. After starting the qBittorrent container, you should see the following text appear within the terminal. You should note the temporary password, as you will need this to access the web interface for the first time. qbittorrent-nox | WebUI will be started shortly afte...
灯大docker hub界面的简单说明 下面跟着我一起进入具体的创建设设置界面 按红色框里设置即可 Name:为你所创建的docker应用命名,能容易识别所创建的程序即可。 Image:选择灯大arm64版本的镜像,直接填入 80x86/qbittorrent:4.2.1-arm64 即可。 Port mapping:点击旁边+三次,弹出三行端口设置,按照图片设置即可,端口数字...
docker-compose version: "2" services: qbittorrent: image: superng6/qbittorrent container_name: qbittorrent environment: - PUID=1026 - PGID=100 - TZ=Asia/Shanghai volumes: - /path/to/appdata/config:/config - /path/to/downloads:/downloads ...