如果你的ISP(互联网服务提供商)使用了CG-NAT(载波级网络地址转换),则你可能无法直接获取公网IP地址。在这种情况下,你可能需要使用VPN或其他解决方案来绕过这个问题。 为了增强安全性,建议为qBittorrent配置HTTPS和强密码,并限制对Web UI的访问。
"OPENVPN_PROVIDER=<openvpn provider>" \ -e "OPENVPN_CONFIG=<openvpn configuration>" \ -e "OPENVPN_USERNAME=<openvpn user name>" \ -e "OPENVPN_PASSWORD=<openvpn password> \ -e "OPENVPN_OPTS=--inactive 3600 --ping 10 --ping-exit 60" \ -e "LOCAL_NETWORK=<local network ip/mask...
A normal VPN setup causes VPN clients to be in a different subnet from the main network. If something in either TrueNAS or the plugin is setup to block connections from this different subnet, then that could be your problem. I would confirm that you can ping both the TrueNAS IP and the...
What you wanna do is go to your advanced settings, set your Network interface to eth0 and IP address to the address shown in the list, it should be the bridge IP from docker. Please correct me if I am wrong but you need Tun0 to use a vpn so if you change it to eth0 your vp...
help you connect to your peers. If you are using a VPN but still unable to connect, try re-installing your VPN client or updating it. But if you can’t still connect via VPN, open qBittorrent settings > Advanced > On “Network Interface,” choose the interface assigned by the VPN. ...
If you have a VPN on, then go to the ‘Advanced’settings and select the correct‘Network Interface’. Next again go to the‘Connection’tab and uncheck the option‘Use UPnP/NAT-PMP port forwarding for my router’. After changing all these settings, click on theOKbutton below and save ...
When trying to select the interface to bound to, VPN interfaces, created by help of integrated Windows tools (not 3rd party as OpenVPN etc, but integrated ones, like SSTP, L2TP etc) do not appear in the list, so impossible to bound to them....
qBittorrent lets you set a schedule. You’re therefore able to download a file whenever it’s freely available. You can even visit the advanced settings, and choose to bind the program to a specific network interface. This allows you to stop downloads safely in case the VPN connection drops...
- FEATURE: Detect network interface state changes. It should detect VPN connection resets. (Pawel Polewicz) - FEATURE: Switch to using c++11 (glassez) - FEATURE: Automatically add trackers to new downloads. (ngosang) - FEATURE: You can now choose the path to download for watched folder...
- FEATURE: Detect network interface state changes. It should detect VPN connection resets. (Pawel Polewicz) - FEATURE: Switch to using c++11 (glassez) - FEATURE: Automatically add trackers to new downloads. (ngosang) - FEATURE: You can now choose the path to download for watched folder...