The Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) also seeks to boost the gas-rich Gulf state's investment presence. 在拥有丰富天然气资源的卡塔尔,卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)也在寻求增强投资规模。 7. The biggest-spending fund last year was Qatar Investment Authority, which invested ...
作者: 转,卡塔尔投资局(Qatar Investment Authority,QIA)是卡塔尔的主权投资工具,旨在管理卡塔尔政府的石油和天然气盈余,并通过资产类别的多元化投资来加强卡塔尔本国的经济。2023年,QIA的资管规模达4290亿美元(目前最新统计已达5100亿美元),是目前世界第八大、中东地区第四大主权基金。尽管如此,QIA的历史并不长,在一众...
卡塔尔投资局(Qatar Investment Authority,QIA),2005年成立,总部位于多哈。卡塔尔投资局目前管理着约3000亿美元的资产,为全球第11大投资基金。主要资金来源于卡塔尔的油气收入。 据统计,卡塔尔已探明石油储量25亿吨,居世界第13位;天然气储量为24.7万亿立方米,占世界总储量的15.3%,仅次于俄罗斯和伊朗。目前,卡塔尔液化天然...
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Qatar Investment Authority is a sovereign wealth fund focused on managing and growing Qatar's financial assets across various sectors and geographies. QIA invests in sectors including real estate, infrastructure, technology, media, telecoms, healthcare, financial institutions, retail, consumer goods, and...
NEW DELHI, Dec. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) has decided to invest 450 million U.S. dollars in Adani Electricity Mumbai Limited (AEML), an electricity transmission company which currently serves over 3 million consumers in India's financial capital Mumbai. ...
市场消息,卡塔尔主权财富基金卡塔尔投资局(Qatar Investment Authority,"QIA")日前在新加坡设立了第一个亚洲子公司。 据悉,这间名为"Qatar Investment Aut…
AsianFin--The Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), which manages over $500 in assets according to data platform Global SWF, is acquiring a stake in China Asset Management Co (ChinaAMC) from the investment firm Primavera Capital, a Chinese investment firm with offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Silico...
7月3日,作为卡塔尔主权基金的卡塔尔投资局(Qatar Investment Authority,「QIA」)宣布任命Kevin Zhu为投资策略代理主管。 ... 阅读全文内容 请点击“阅读原文”登入投…
Understanding the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) The Qatar Investment Authority was established in 2005 and is based in Doha, Qatar. QIA strives to invest and manage funds assigned to it by the Supreme Council for Economic Affairs and Investment (SCEAI).1The QIA is owned by the government o...