“Our partner countries have trained 100,000 troops for the Ukrainian armed forces. This result was achieved in less than two years, while the initial plan was to train 20,000 to 30,000 service members,” he wrote on Telegram. According to Getmantsev, there is a coalition of 32 countries...
Qatar's terrain is characterized by many geo- graphical phenomena, including a large number of bays and inland seas scat- tered along the seaboard. In addition to this, there is the phenomenon of basins and depressions, called the Riyadh, which are located in the central north part of the ...
Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) 1 2
However, when the war against Iraq broke, the Hornets, armed with laser-guided bombs, were used to attack the Iraqi ground forces. On the other hand, the Orions usually had 12-hour missions during night time at the Persian Gulf. Finally, the Hercules transports were tasked to transport ...
It did give a phone number, but that was false. The letter became public when it was posted on Twitter by Dr Andreas Krieg of the Defence Studies department at King's College London who has previously worked as a contractor with the Qatari armed forces. Also on Wednesday, besides its ...