"---@斌将军---MODULEstatus_9001OUTPUT.DATA:lv_inputTYPEchar1, lv_reqTYPEchar1."可编辑设置IFsy-tcode ='QE01'ORsy-tcode ='QE02'. lv_input='1'. lv_req='1'.ELSEIFsy-tcode ='QA11'ORsy-tcode ='QA12'. lv_input='1'. lv_req='0'.ELSE. lv_input='0'.ENDIF.LOOPATSCREEN.I...
IF sy-tcode = 'QE01' OR sy-tcode = 'QE02'. lv_input = '1'. lv_req = '1'. ELSEIF sy-tcode = 'QA11' OR sy-tcode = 'QA12'. lv_input = '1'. lv_req = '0'. ELSE. lv_input = '0'. ENDIF. LOOP AT SCREEN. IF screen-name = 'QALS-ZHGSL' OR screen-name = '...
1) Maintain the new function code for program SAPLQPL1 in view V_185. You could use similar settings as for the fcode ENT1. Note: This is considered a SAP modification; subsequent support packages may overwrite/delete the custom entries in tables T185*. 2) Modify the PAI of the calling...