InterviewList PPQASP&GP GP3.1 Question&Answer请简要描述你是如何开展PPQA工作的?PleasebrieflydescribehowyouconductPPQAactivities?1依据QA审计检查单作审计、用QA记录单记录所发现的问题、用不符合项跟踪表跟踪问题至到问题关闭 GP你何时开始做QA计划,QA计划的主要内容是什么?Whendoyoustartto2.2/2.3/2...
Question: How do quality analysts use testing methods within the scope of their job? Answer:Quality analysts develop ways to test a specific company’s production process. They can also train other company personnel and any other quality inspectors to use this testing method. Question: What are ...
Answer: R & R stands for reproducibility and repeatability. It is a system measurement error that determines the percentage of error, the type of error and its affects on the system. Question: Describe a bug life cycle. Answer: Bug life cycle consists of several statuses of an error during...
schedule and feasibility for most projects. Test leads are approached for test estimation at the beginning of every project. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether test estimation was part of the job profile for a QA lead
Popular QA Test Analyst Interview Questions Q #1) What are the responsibilities of a QA Analyst? Answer:QA Analyst is the one who ensures that every possible measure has been taken for testing each feature of software solution both functionally and technically. ...
You should always answer yes and briefly explain why. A good explanation is that you have set goals, and you have m et som e and are on track to achieve the others.5. What do co-workers say about you?Be prepared with a quote or two fro m co-workers. Either a specific statem ent...
The answer is up to you. One QA tester may expect to be part of sprint/development planning sessions to better understand the context of each task, and thus to assess each feature’s risks and complexity. Another might feel that it’d be more productive to invite goats to a Zoom meeting...
Ask Question Home Interview Questions Testing Testing Basics Difference between QA and QC?Interview Candidate Sep 6th, 2005 8 3333 Testing Basics Answer First Prev Next Last Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Sep 6th, 2005 simple definitions are: QA:assurance for...
Ask Question Home Interview Questions Testing Quality Management State of the Art in QA What is the "State of the Art in QA"? j3ffy0w Mar 29th, 2010 1 2911 Questions by j3ffy0w Quality Management Answer First Prev Next Last Showing Answers 1 - 1 of 1 Answers...
Question Answer Tutorial Search This site provides a common platform for learning Question and Answer tutorial for students/professionals. These questions can be used for preparing various entrance examination / certifications. This site has question bank in following subjects and categories. ...