Job Type:Full Time Visa Type:Any Visa Contact with Show PhoneEmailWhatsApp Share this ad Description WANTED For a Doha Based IT/ Telecom/ELV/Security Systems Co 1. Project Manager 2. QA/QC Engineers Send CV’s to: ...
advertise a vacancy:这个短语表示公开宣布某个空缺职位,以便吸引应聘者。例如,“The company is advertising a vacancy for a software engineer.”(公司正在公开招聘一名软件工程师。) 三、其他相关表达 除了“vacancy”之外,还有一些其他英文表达也可以用来描述空缺职位,如“open positions”、...
job vacancy:工作空缺,特指某个职位的空缺。 vacancy rate:空缺率,用于描述某个领域或行业中空缺职位的比例。 综上所述,“vacancy”是表示“空缺”的英语单词,它在不同领域和语境中都有广泛的应用。通过了解其基本含义、具体用法以及相关短语,我们可以更好地掌握和运用这个词。
Site Engineer(QA/QC)
Analyze a job description to show your appropriateness Remember that your resume should be written in accordance with a definite position. Only having analyzed the vacancy description you can realize what exactly an employer needs and offer it to him. Your resume must be relevant to the requirement...
The Software Testing market is becoming very competitive and getting a job is even more difficult. For a single QA job position, recruiters are getting hundreds of Quality Assurance Tester resumes. You must stand out from the crowd andwriting a good resumeis the very first opportunity to do so...
例如,“job vacancy”表示工作空缺,即某个具体工作职位的空缺状态;“position vacancy”则更侧重于描述某个特定职位的空缺。这些短语都进一步丰富了“vacancy”在中文中的表达方式和应用场景。 综上所述,“vacancy”的中文翻译是“职位的空缺;空职”,这一翻译准确地传达了原词的含义,并...
“vacancy”可以造句为:“The company currently has a vacancy for a software engineer.”(公司目前有一个软件工程师的空缺职位。) 以下是对该句子的详细展开: 一、句子结构分析 该句子是一个简单句,主语是“the company”,谓语是“has”,宾语是“a vacancy for a software engineer”。...
The Software Testing market is becoming very competitive and getting a job is even more difficult. For a single QA job position, recruiters are getting hundreds of Quality Assurance Tester resumes. You must stand out from the crowd andwriting a good resumeis the very first opportunity to do so...