#endif 在Debug版程序中,Q_ASSERT会调用qt_assert函数,而在Release版程序中,便会调用qt_noop()函数, 再看看qt_noop()是什么: inlinevoid qt_noop(void) {} qt_noop就是一个内联空函数,在Release版中将被优化掉。 将刚才的程序代码改成: Q_ASSERT(c == 7); 并再次调试运行,程序便不会被断下了,因为表...
在Debug版程序中,Q_ASSERT会调用qt_assert函数,而在Release版程序中,便会调用qt_noop()函数, 再看看qt_noop()是什么: inlinevoidqt_noop(void){} qt_noop就是一个内联空函数,在Release版中将被优化掉。 将刚才的程序代码改成: Q_ASSERT(c ==7); 并再次调试运行,程序便不会被断下了,因为表达式的值为真...
3 二者对比 这两个宏都是在我们传入的值为false的时候触发,都会打印信息,只是Q_ASSERT_X支持打印我们自定义的信息。 4 特别注意 不论是Q_ASSERT也好Q_ASSERT_X也罢,都是在Debug才生效的,在Release版本中,将被自动优化掉如下图所所示 4 参考链接 ...
在QT_NO_DEBUG 模式下,也就是调试模式下程序会执行qt_assert(),在 Release 模式下执行qt_noop()函数,而 qt_noop()函数是一个内联空函数,什么都不做,定义如下: inline void qt_noop(void) {} 1. 建议大家在程序中多使用断言来进行判断逻辑,有助于尽早的发现并解决程序中隐藏的错误点。
A fix for this issue has been released! Install the most recent release fromhttps://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/. Thank you for providing valuable feedback which has helped improve the product. This issue has been closed for over 90 days. If we haven't ...
Install the most recent release from https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/. Thank you for providing valuable feedback which has helped improve the product. This issue has been closed for over 90 days. If we haven't resolved this issue for you, please report a ...
Can your press release be converted into 140 characters or less for Twitter? It's unlikely-prepare alternative strategies to allow you to engage via social media channels. A serious crisis can destroy companies and/or individuals. However, proper preparation combined with an ...
linux中 incldue <assert.h> 如:assert(a>0);assert(a==0); 在程序里使用assert断言, 通过gcc编译,执行可以执行。 如果要出release版,用gcc 加 -DNDEBUG就可以了,assert就不会执行 c 原创 llf_17 2012-04-28 10:04:58 436阅读 Assert.IsTrue();Assert.AreEqual();Assert.IsNotNull() ...
Closed - Fixed ··· A fix for this issue has been released! Install the most recent release fromhttps://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/. Thank you for providing valuable feedback which has helped improve the product. This issue has been closed for over 90 days. If...