摘要原文 We show that given a rigid C*-tensor category, there is an equivalence of categories between normalized irreducible Q-systems, also known as connected unitary Frobenius algebra objects, and compact connected W*-algebra objects. Although this result could be proved as a corollary of our ...
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We provide a concrete realization of the cluster algebras associated with Q-systems as amalgamations of cluster structures on double Bruhat cells in simple algebraic groups. For nonsimply-laced groups, this provides a cluster-algebraic formulation of Q-systems of twisted type. It also yields a uni...
Mukhin E., Young C.A.S.: Extended T-systems. Selecta. Math. 18(3), 591–631 (2012) Article MATH MathSciNet Google Scholar Nakajima H.: t-analogs of q-characters of Kirillov–Reshetikhin modules of quantum affine algebras. Represent. Theory (electronic) 7, 259–274 (2003) Article ...
在GUDE Systems,我们深知可持续音视频解决方案的重要性,并自豪地与Q-SYS合作,成为Q-SYS技术合作伙伴。通过这一合作,在Q-SYS生态系统中创建了一个控制插件,不仅有助于降低能源消耗,从而减少二氧化碳排放,还为集成商和客户直观的降低了成本。 GUDE专家电源控制插件 ...
Q-SYS Networked Systems Technical Notes Q-SYS Core Processors Core processor channel capacities This technical note explains the channel capacities of the various Q-SYS Core processor models. For guidance on checking I/O channel needs against the respective capacities of various Q-SYS Core Processors...
Q-SYS Networked Systems Technical Notes Q-SYS Core Processors and Peripherals The Q-SYS Media Drive The purpose of this technical note is to explain the Q-SYS Core Processor models' onboard media playback systems, covering these three topics: • Audio storage of the Q-SYS Core Processor ...
Kirillov–Reshetikhin characters of the quantum affine algebra U<sub>q</sub>([^(mathfrak g)]){U_q(widehat{mathfrak {g}})} for any simple Lie algebra mathfrak g{mathfrak {g}}, generalizing the simply-laced case treated in (Kedem in Q-systems as cluster algebras. arXiv:0712.2695 [...
Q’Straint Q-8201-L QRT Standard Semi-Automatic Retractor Set, L-Track, FREE SHIPPING Q'Straint QRT Standard,QRT Standard without Occupant Restraint $490.00Original price was: $490.00.Current price is: $337.00. Add to cartDetails Q-8300-A1-L QRT MAX Kit, L-Track, with Combination Occupant...
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