很容易理解,理论上这就最大程度地减少了所需的零件配合,应该最能提高精度。采用这种结构的枪,比如Cheytac M200(钢机匣)、Desert Tech的SRS(铝机匣)、Q的Fix/Mini Fix(铝机匣)、Nemesis的LMR(钢机匣)等等,多是小作坊高价产品。 08:00 我买过最贵的枪箱+枪包。。。 沙漠科技 SRS A1 狙击步枪 枪包+枪箱...
Honey Badger 300blk Mini Fix 300blk PS 我觉得sig真的很喜欢抄袭Q,sig的 Cross我觉得就是照着fix...
The Q Mini Fix in 300 Blackout above the Q Fix in 8.6 Creedmoor. Is this the perfect cartridge? No. Is it the perfect cartridge for supersonic and subsonic performance out to medium ranges with a short barrel, the ability to run in bolt actions and semi-autos, feeding out of standard...
871C-A2N12-R3Miniature Small Barrel Inductive Sensor CX-540D 继电器 BALLUF BCC M415-0000-1A-017-VX8534-050 1842670000SL-SMT 3.50/15/180LF 3.2SN BK BX 贝加莱B&R极速报价 8MSA3L.R0-D8 BKS-S101-1/GS49-PU-01 BH5928.93/61 AC/DC24V 60-600S0062011 XS3FLM8PVC4A2M GB9024/00340AAC690V...
I thought I might post your question here on QRPer so folks might comment with IC-705 kit ideas. Oddly enough, at time of publishing this post, I have no examples inour Field Radio Kit Gallery! I can fix this now, though, because I recall a few ‘705 field kits from our archives:...
To fire, put a Q-tip in the barrel, make it doesn't slide down into the bottle part just spray a very small amount of hairspray into the chamber and very quickly close the top, if you do this part to slow the gases will escape and it won't fire, if you use to much most likel...
lika编码器cylinderbarrelfor171744/9ZBM250-AX32/30D *HYDAC-0821 BANDELIN超声波清洗机K50CS HYDAC压力续电器安装附个ZBM310 优势销售SEW德国*备件M3RSF140 *KUEBLER8.5850.1282.G132 SCHUNK爪手、夹具SRU-plus50-H-90-3-8-M8-AS SUN-0652NFFCLGN ...
The laptop charges via a standard barrel-plug and this configuration is bundled with an adequately sized 230W charger, while lower-end versions will get a smaller and lighter 180 W brick. A full charge takes over 2 hours, and this laptop cannot charge via USB-C. Price and availability The...
lika编码器Cylinderbarrelfor160237/1ZBM250-AX32/25D Metra振动传感器RMG370-100-0/0-60/2/7PN16DN100 HACH浊度仪电极TYPE:LXG423.99.10000SERIEL-280616.12V WIKATESTPRESSUREGAUGEModel:342.11,class0.1,0...10000kPa,1/2NPT EMG-3346LA14.1 MOOG-4200G631-3004 伺服阀 ...
很容易理解,理论上这就最大程度地减少了所需的零件配合,应该最能提高精度。采用这种结构的枪,比如Cheytac M200(钢机匣)、Desert Tech的SRS(铝机匣)、Q的Fix/Mini Fix(铝机匣)、Nemesis的LMR(钢机匣)等等,多是小作坊高价产品。 08:00 我买过最贵的枪箱+枪包。。。 沙漠科技 SRS A1 狙击步枪 枪包+枪箱...