As of December 31,no paperwas currently in the review processmore than 187 days. 而这个审稿时间长达 187 天的稿件的 decision time 是 2011 年 1 月 2 日(Harvey 2011),显然也不是张橹教授口中的 2011 年 4 月,因此它应该不是 q-factor model 的修改版。当然,从 editor report 中还是难以明确 tu...
With the FDA enforcing the recall of all ranitidine products, the analysis of nitrosamines particularly NDMA has never been more critical. Nitrosamine impurity in pharmaceuticals drugs found in products of various pharmaceutical vendors...
识别中药制造关键工序,将质量目标设计进关键制造工序中,创建过程分析技术(process analysis technology,PAT)平台并借助数据挖掘算法对制药过程建模,进而对质量目标实施全过程监测,为解决“如何控”及“如何测”问题提供技术条件。 中药质量标志物...
那么之后的analysis都基于前面的式子,简单来说我们需要能够用 V_h^k-V_h^* 来bound住 Q_h-Q_h^* ,然后利用DP的迭代我们就能推出 V_h^k-V_h^* ,也就是regret的bound。具体的步骤其实也不算长,当然也不是说就可以一蹴而就,有兴趣的同学们可以自己先尝试推推看,然后再去看大佬在paper里的推法。 忽略...
Orbitrap mass analyzer: The Orbitrap mass analyzer offers unprecedented high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) analysis of ions as a function of their rotational frequencies; these data are converted to mass spectra using fast Fourier transforms ...
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memoQ project manager can create five types of reports that are crucial for the efficient oversight over translation projects. Analysis reportShows the size of the project and the savings from translation memories, LiveDocs corpora, and homogeneity. This is where you get the word counts that you ...
A Python tool to process SARIF reports into well-formatted Excel files with enhanced readability, dynamic column adjustments, and text wrapping for streamlined analysis and reporting. python excel static-analysis sonarqube code-quality sarif reporting-tool codeql qodana Updated Jan 19, 2025 Python Up...
The implementation for the paper Continuous Deep Q-Learning in Optimal Control Problems: Normalized Advantage Functions Analysis // NeurIPS 2022 reinforcement-learningq-learningreinforcement-learning-algorithmsoptimal-controlnafreinforcement-learning-environmentsq-learning-algorithm ...