pzplot(SYS) 计算LTI模型SYS的零点和极点并绘制零、极点图。其中SYS的产生可以采用传递函数法: SYS=tf(b,a),b和a分别为系统函数的分子多项式和分母多项式系数矩阵。 例1:系统函数为,完成一幅适当标注的零极点图。相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 解: MATLAB代码如下: b=[2 5 12]; a=([1 4 14 20])...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Is there any option to add Cartesian Grid in pzplot(sys) ? I tried by adding following code 테마복사 s = tf('s'); sys = (s+2.5)*(s-2)/(s+5)/(s+8-2i); figure; ax = gca; ax.XGrid = 'on'; ax.YGrid = 'on'; h = pzplot(ax, ...
iopzp= iopzplot(___,plotoptions)plots the poles and zeros with the plotting options specified inplotoptions. Settings you specify inplotoptionsoverride the plotting preferences for the current MATLAB®session. example iopzp= iopzplot(parent,___)plots the poles and zeros in the specified parent ...