连接一个已经运行的程序有以下几种方法: a)process:进程id app = Application().connect(process=2341) b)handle:应用程序的窗口句柄 app = Application().connect(handle=0x010f0c) c)path:进程的执行路径(GetModuleFileNameEx 模块会查找进程的每一个路径并与我们传入的路径去做比较) app = Application().connec...
app=Application().connect(process=get_pid("mmc.exe"))win=app.window(title_re="本地组策略编辑器")# 定位到树控件 win_tree=win.child_window(class_name='SysTreeView32')# 定位树结构里的管理模板节点 win_tree.get_item('\本地计算机 策略\计算机配置\管理模板').click() 我操作就是点击一下管理...
@staticmethoddef__get_main_win(path):"""获取微信的主窗口 :param path:传入微信的安装路径 :return:"""#获取进程IDtry: app= Application(backend='uia').connect(path=path)exceptProcessNotFoundError:raiseAppNotFoundError("微信程序还没有打开") main_win= app.window(class_name='WeChatMainWndForPC'...
whenever i try to identify the controls i get "AccessDenied: [WinError 1400] Invalid window handle. Cannot get process ID from handle." And another issue is the title is the same with the window in step 1. from pywinauto.application import Application import time app = Application().start(...
"""Connect to an already running process The action is performed according to only one of parameters :param process: a process ID of the target :param handle: a window handle of the target :param path: a path used to launch the target ...
app = Application(backend='uia').connect(process=pid) # 方式二:应用完整路径(连接) app = Application(backend='uia').connect(path="D:\Program Files (x86)\Tencent\WeChat\WeChat.exe") # 方式三:打开应用(打开) app = Application(backend='uia').start('D:\Program Files (x86)\Tencent\WeChat...
我在这里找到了一个响应,它概述了访问托盘图标线程的过程:从GetWindowThreadProcessId()Install获取托盘图标的线程ID --带有SetWindowsHookEx() 浏览4提问于2021-10-07得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 C# .NET后台服务 、、、 服务已经准备好了,但是我不知道如何让它在后台运行,比如下面这些程序: ? 我还想...
2.地址栏获取到的地址缺少缺少''get_pid(pname): pid_lis = [] for proc in psutil.process_iter(): #print(“pid-%d,name:%s” % (proc.pid,proc.name())) if proc.name() == pname: pid_lis.append(proc.pid) # return proc.pid return pid_lispid_list = get_pid('chrome.exe')for ...
TreeView item展示控件name,automation_id的最后一段字符串。 点击TreeView item时在屏幕上框选出控件位置,右侧TableWidget添加控件截图(后台截图)。 TreeView控件筛选,只显示指定name对应的子项。 后台截图的实现 取自csdn,见文末链接3。 def window_capture(hwnd): # 后台截图,保存到内存 ...
The `findwindows` function can be used to find a window by its title, class name, or process ID. python. importfindwindows. hwnd = findwindows.find_window(title="Untitled Notepad")。 Once you have found a window, you can use the `win32gui` module to get the application handle. The ...