State-of-the-Art Deep Learning scripts organized by models - easy to train and deploy with reproducible accuracy and performance on enterprise-grade infrastructure. - DeepLearningExamples/PyTorch/Segmentation/MaskRCNN at master · NVIDIA/DeepLearningExam
print('Creating directory at:' , slice_dir_path) os.makedirs(slice_dir_path) img = nib.load(os.path.join(sf, 'pre/FLAIR.nii.gz')) img_np = img.get_data() img_affine = img.affine print(sf) print('The img shape', img_np.shape[2]) for i in range(img_np.shape[2]): slice...
Pytorch implementation for Semantic Segmentation/Scene Parsing on MIT ADE20K dataset - lujiely/semantic-segmentation-pytorch
This code includes classification and detection tasks in Computer Vision, and semantic segmentation task will be added later. - GitHub - XiaoyiHan6/Simple-CV-Pytorch-master: This code includes classification and detection tasks in Computer Vision, and