class VQVAE_PL(pl.LightningModule): def __init__(self,warmup_epochs=2,num_training_samples=20942, batch_size=256, learning_rate=2e-5): super().__init__( ) self.encoder = Encoder() self.decoder = Decoder() self.quantizer = QuantizeEMA() self.loss_layer = ReConsLoss() self.warmup...
I'm porting training scripts from torchvision and timm to pytorch-lightning, and I'm trying to implement ExponentialMovingAverage (EMA) as a callback. EMA averages the model weights across training steps, and is called after the optimizer update step. EMA is used in bothtorchvision training sc...
pytorch-lightning==1.6.5 scipy==1.8.0 sdeint==0.2.4 setuptools==59.5.0# fixes seaborn==0.11.2 torch==1.12.0 torch-ema==0.3 torchaudio==0.12.0 torchvision==0.13.0 torchinfo==1.6.3 ...
Lightning docs implies that they be always called when loading from a checkpoint. I believe that docs should mention that Callbacks.on_load_checkpoint is only called with You can find a working EMA callback here (apply this changes for MultiGPU support). 👍 2 carmocca added ...
import __main__ # noqa local import to avoid file = generate_ddp_file(trainer) if sys.argv[0].endswith('yolo') else os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) # Get file and args (do not use sys.argv due to security vulnerability) exclude...
EMA(decay=0.999, 0.9993, 0.9995) S - 2 * 3090 (batch size 512) M - 2 * 3090 (batch size 256) L - 2 * 3090 (batch size 128) EfficientNetV2 Releases2 Release v1.0.1-2021.12.26Latest Dec 26, 2021 + 1 release Languages Python100.0%...
self.ema_decay = self.config.train.ema_decay self.log_img_every_epoch = self.config.train.log_img_every_epoch assert self.config.train.num_train_steps is not None assert self.config.train.num_train_steps % self.config.train.substeps == 0 @@ -81,10 +83,11 @@ def __init__(self,...
ema_decay self.log_img_every_epoch = self.config.train.log_img_every_epoch assert self.config.train.num_train_steps is not None assert self.config.train.num_train_steps % self.config.train.substeps == 0 assert self.config.train.retain_checkpoint_every_steps % self.config.train.substeps =...
pytorch-lightning==1.8.5 pytorch_metric_learning==1.7.1 pytorch-msssim thop timm>=0.9.6.dev0 torchmetrics==0.10.3 open-clip-torch[training]==2.20.0 open-clip-torch[training]==2.23.0 sentencepiece==0.1.99 ftfy torch-pruning==1.2.233...