For 1 & 2, I'd recommend the Zero to Mastery Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp, it'll teach you the fundamentals of machine learning and Python (I'm biased though, I also teach that course). How is the course taught? All of the course materials are available for free in an...
Jeremy《深度学习基础到Stable Diffusion|Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion》中英 密歇根大学《Python程序员的羊驼”课程|Llama2 for Python Programmers》中英字幕 在单个GPU有效微调Llama-v2-7b|Efficient Fine-Tuning for Llama-v2-7b on a Single GPU中英字幕 59:53 检索优化:从分词到矢量量化In Retr...
斯坦福大学《CS229机器学习:构建LLM|Machine Learning I Building Large Language Models》中英字幕 01:44:31 LLM训练营 - 2023年春季 LLM Bootcamp - Spring 2023 谷歌云《生成式AI学习路径(简介、LLM、负责的AI、应用)|Introduction to Generative AI Learning Path》中英字幕 《生成式AI微调LLM速成课|Generative...
For 1 & 2, I'd recommend the Zero to Mastery Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp, it'll teach you the fundamentals of machine learning and Python (I'm biased though, I also teach that course).How is the course taught?All of the course materials are available for free in an ...
该系列是我在国外大学非盈利bootcamp给学生编写的课件,我会在上完课后结合大语言模型把内容翻译成我们中文并根据学生的反馈增添相关内容然后在这里和大家交流,争取一周1-2更。如果有翻译疏漏,请大家多多包涵。 下面的内容大家如果在手机上的话就可以按需用目录阅读,每个代码块上面的是代码,下面是输出(除非太长写不下...
Daniel has been teaching machine learning and distributed computing technologies at Data Science Retreat, the longest-running Berlin-based bootcamp, for more than three years, helping more than 150 students advance their careers. He writes regularly for Towards Data Science. His blog post 'Understandi...
Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Deep Learning Demonstrate Moore's Law using Code Transfer Learning to create state-of-the-art image classifiers Understand important foundations for OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-4, DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion ...
地址: 3.pytorch-tutorial:为研究者准备的 PyTorch 深度学习教程。 地址: 4.pytorch-exercises:PyTorch 练习题集。 地址: ...
1. A replacement for NumPy to use the power of GPUs2. A deep learning research platform that provides maximum flexibility and speed Deep Learning with PyTorch: A 60 Minute Blitz PyTorch uses Tensor as its core data structure, similar to a Numpy array. You may wonder about this specific ...
You will learn and get exposed to a wide range of exciting topics like Image & Video Manipulation, Image Enhancement, Filtering, Edge Detection, Object Detection and Tracking, Face Detection and the OpenCV Deep Learning Module. Claim Now Claim Your FREE TensorFlow Keras Bootcamp Course Unlock the...