1. 解释什么是“invalid decimal literal”错误 在Python中,“invalid decimal literal”错误通常不是一个直接显示的错误信息,但类似的错误通常与尝试将字符串转换为十进制数(整数或浮点数)时,字符串的格式不符合十进制数的规范有关。这种错误通常表现为ValueError异常,提示内容可能包括“invalid literal for int() wit...
如果你在Python程序中使用了无效的十进制字面量,可能会出现 invalid decimal literal 错误。例如,如果你尝试运行下面的代码:a = 10.5.6 你将会得到如下错误消息:File "<stdin>", line 1 a = 10.5.6 ^SyntaxError: invalid decimal literal 这是因为在Python中,十进制字面量必须是合法的,并...
print( s) # 此处右括号是在中文状态输入的 # SyntaxError: invalid decimal literal s = 0 for i in range(1, 6): # 此处中文逗号要改成英文逗号 s = s + i print( s) 下面这个简单的Python程序(来自https://bugfree.cc/),可以用来检查字符串中是否包含非英文符号。 ''' 找出字符串中的非英文字...
The Python SyntaxError: invalid decimal literal occurs when we declare a variable with a name that starts with a digit.
has occurred because an improper value is passed as argument to the int() function.The second part of the message“invalid literal for int() with base 10” tells us that we have tried to convert an input to integer but the input has characters other than digits in the decimal number ...
In cases where we'd like a number to remain a decimal, we could drop the int() function altogether and use float() to make the object a float-type. Ultimately, if you're experiencing this error, it's a good idea to think about what's going into the int() function and why that ...